Scottish Word: Snell.
“Ah tak it it’s a gey snell wind oot there corporal?” Translate: snell: sharp, bitter, biting, severe. “Am I correct in assuming it is a rather sharp bitter wind out there corporal?” The Scottish Word: snell … Continue reading Snell. →
Scottish Word: Skitie.
“Aye Senga, it’s right skitie the-nicht richt enough.” Translate: skitie: slippery. “Indeed Senga, it is exceedingly slippery tonight without a doubt.” The Scottish Word: skitie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Skitie. →
Scottish Word: Nippit.
‘Aye, it’s been a right nippit mornin richt enough.’ Translate: nippit: a very cold snap, sharp frost. ‘I say, it has been a very cold morning indeed, has it not?’ The Scottish Word: nippit with its … Continue reading Nippit. →
bridge, cold, fish, fishing, freeze, frost, frozen, ice, river, scarf, waders, water, winter Scottish Word: Skip.
‘keep the heid skip, yir getting stalagmites on the ice.’ Translate: skip: captain of a curling team. ‘Do try to remain calm skip, you are causing stalagmites to form on the ice.’ The Scottish Word: skip … Continue reading Skip. →