Weel ahv got yer comprehensive instructions fu o detailed eeriorums yiv scrieved fur me here. And I followed them tae the letter ahn wi witnesses that’ll swear tae it. So, wid ye like tae mou that … Continue reading Eeriorums. →
Scottish Word: Gree.

“Enough’s enough. Muse or no muse if you canni bear the gree hawl it oot! Address to the tooth-ache. O’ a’ the num’rous human dools, Ill hairsts, daft bargains, cutty-stools, Or worthy frien’s rak’d i’ the … Continue reading Gree. →

“She maks that guid a porridge it’s a hard job pullin oot the spurtle.” Translate: spurtle: porridge stirrer – often formed in the shape of a thistle. “She makes a porridge so exceedingly excellent that it … Continue reading Spurtle. →