Scottish Word: Cranniewanny.
Hoo’d a thoucht that yer cranniewanny clook wid be as teuch tae manicure as yer ither clooks eh? Did ye ken I mak doon the nail shavins an sell the pouder as sneeshin? An I must … Continue reading Cranniewanny.
Hoo’d a thoucht that yer cranniewanny clook wid be as teuch tae manicure as yer ither clooks eh? Did ye ken I mak doon the nail shavins an sell the pouder as sneeshin? An I must … Continue reading Cranniewanny.
“Whaur ist we’re gaein agin?” Translate: gaein: going. “Where is it we are going again?” The Scottish Word: gaein with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Gaein.
“Are ye sure it’s yir parachute ye packed oan yir back an no yir piecebox?” Translate: piecebox: lunchbox. “Are you sure it was your parachute you packed on your back and not your lunchbox?” The Scottish … Continue reading Piecebox.