Scottish Word: Cadge.
Telt ye. Yin cadge nevel frae Brodie an it’s oer. They ayewis think he’s an easy mark cos he luiks like a big lankie jessie. They couldni be mair wrang. Translate: cadge: shake roughly, knock about. … Continue reading Cadge.
Telt ye. Yin cadge nevel frae Brodie an it’s oer. They ayewis think he’s an easy mark cos he luiks like a big lankie jessie. They couldni be mair wrang. Translate: cadge: shake roughly, knock about. … Continue reading Cadge.
“There ye go Tarkus, nae mair tuith pain jist a bit o ah sair heid fur a wee while.” Translate: tuith: tooth. “There you go Tarkus, no more tooth pain, just a slight sore head for … Continue reading Tuith.
“Aye… it’s one o yir aisle-teeth, it’s needin a pou.” Translate: aisle-tuith: a biscupid tooth, a molar. “Yes… it’s one of your bicuspid teeth, it is needing pulled out.” The Scottish Word: aisle tuith with its … Continue reading Aisle-tuith.
“Enough’s enough. Muse or no muse if you canni bear the gree hawl it oot! Address to the tooth-ache. O’ a’ the num’rous human dools, Ill hairsts, daft bargains, cutty-stools, Or worthy frien’s rak’d i’ the … Continue reading Gree.
“Noo noo, dinni worry Tony, ahm jist goin tae gie ye a wee jag.” Translate: jag: injection; medical treatment, applied with a hypodermic syringe. “Now now, don’t worry Tony, I am just going to give you … Continue reading Jag.