Scottish Word: Lang.
We’re hae’n a competition tae see hoo lang we can streek the dugs slaver frae its mou afore it braks. The langest distance oot o ten tries or tae when the dug gangs hame is the … Continue reading Lang.
We’re hae’n a competition tae see hoo lang we can streek the dugs slaver frae its mou afore it braks. The langest distance oot o ten tries or tae when the dug gangs hame is the … Continue reading Lang.
“You two can sod off and stap yivverin efter my cake. Yiv eaten ivvery bit o youz’s.” Translate: yivvery, aiverie, aevery:desirous, anxious – to do with hunger. “You two can sod off and stop lusting after … Continue reading Yivvery.
“Oi Cherlie! Ye canna see green cheese but yer een reel.” Translate: reel: spin, rotate, also a type of dance. “Hey! Charles. You can’t see green cheese but your eyes spin (you can’t see food without … Continue reading Reel.