Scottish Word: Yivvery.
“You two can sod off and stap yivverin efter my cake. Yiv had yours.” Translate: yivvery:desirous, anxious – to do with hunger. “You two can sod off and stop lusting after my cake. You have had … Continue reading Yivvery.
“You two can sod off and stap yivverin efter my cake. Yiv had yours.” Translate: yivvery:desirous, anxious – to do with hunger. “You two can sod off and stop lusting after my cake. You have had … Continue reading Yivvery.
“…an it swelled up awfy, still it’s a right shooglie tram richt enough but Dalmuir to Uddingston an back taks ma sour dook tae jist the right consistency an speakin o sour dook is that no … Continue reading Shoogle.
“If he’s as mickle a milker as ee’s at the plooin we’re done fur.” Translate: ploo: plough. “If he is as great a milker as he is at ploughing then we are doomed.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Ploo.