“Uh oh! If I was you I’d untaigle massel dead quick.” Translate: untaigle: untangle. “Uh oh! If I was you I would untangle myself with the most extreme utter urgency.” Instict – several instincts about to … Continue reading Untaigle. →
Scottish Word: Vex.

“There’s nithin in zero gravity mair vexin than yer wallies loosed in yir helmet.” Translate: vexin: irritating. “There is nothing more irritating in zero gravity than one’s false teeth getting loose within one’s helmet.” The Scottish … Continue reading Vex. →
alien, false teeth, granny, gravity, helmet, monster, space, spacesuit, suit, tangle, teeth, tentacles Scottish Word: Creel.

“He’s makin a good job o tryin tae tak yir fingers off Ike, despite bein weel taigled in the remains o the creel” Translate: creel: lobster pot, fish trap. “He is making a good job of … Continue reading Creel. →