Scottish Word: Gowster.
Oooyah! Ah thocht ye were a gowster for certie there Widdles. That wiz a close squeek, yir cheese is in twa. Translate: gowster: goner, turned into a ghost. Oh my gosh! I thought you were a … Continue reading Gowster.
Oooyah! Ah thocht ye were a gowster for certie there Widdles. That wiz a close squeek, yir cheese is in twa. Translate: gowster: goner, turned into a ghost. Oh my gosh! I thought you were a … Continue reading Gowster.
“Can ye mak oot what the scrievins oan the wa’ o the giant’s jile sez wi yer wee mirror yet?” Translate: mak oot: decipher, make out, comprehend. “Can you make out what the writings on the … Continue reading Mak oot.
“Yon Capercaillie’s totally lost the heid.” Translate: heid: head. “That Capercaillie there has totally lost any sense it had in its fit of fury.” Climb: apologies to all for it being a drawing I did so … Continue reading Heid.
‘Aye dominie, you’re the first man here to look me straucht in the eye’ Translate: dominie: headmaster or clergyman. “Indeed Pastor, you are the first man here to look me straight in the eye.” The Scottish … Continue reading Dominie.