Scottish Word: Flodge.
“An after ye’ve fauched, delled an scartled it to a fine tilth be sure to flodge it o’er afore ye lay the turf.” Translate: flodge: walk clumsily. “And after you have broken up the land, dug … Continue reading Flodge.
“An after ye’ve fauched, delled an scartled it to a fine tilth be sure to flodge it o’er afore ye lay the turf.” Translate: flodge: walk clumsily. “And after you have broken up the land, dug … Continue reading Flodge.
“Ahm thinkin they two numpties are cheating an putting mair than the rasps they pick intae their luggies tae up the wecht.” Translate: luggie: usually a bucket held at one’s waist with twine – used in … Continue reading Luggie.