Scottish Word: Taws.
“He’s kent as quick draw McGraw cos he’s sae speedy tae whip the taws oer an oot frae its hidie doon the back o his goon.” Translate: taws: a leather punishment strap with thongs – once … Continue reading Taws.
“He’s kent as quick draw McGraw cos he’s sae speedy tae whip the taws oer an oot frae its hidie doon the back o his goon.” Translate: taws: a leather punishment strap with thongs – once … Continue reading Taws.
“Awww Nawww yir no gonna eat that bogie are ye!?” Translate: bogie: a noticeable particle dislodged from, or extracted from, the interior of one’s nostril. “Oh no! You are not going to eat that nose picked … Continue reading Bogie.