Scottish Words Glossary: S from A-Z
Scottish Word  Phonetic  Meaning  Word in Context
Scottish Word  Phonetic  Meaning  Word in Context
sab sab sob, sink, sag  
sae | sa | swa se so in context
ilka sae lang every so often  
sae | sa se say  
sae awa go on, hold forth  
jist sain jɪstˈseən just saying  
saiz | sez says in context
saft soft in context
saftie saftɪ weak person  
saga a witch  
saidle sedl saddle  
saidler saddler  
saifgaird ˈsefˈgerd safeguard in context
saikless | sakeless innocent, harmless in context
saim | same | seam sem fat, grease, lard  
sain fond  
saip | sape soap  
sair | sare ser sore in context
It’s a sair gait that’s no got a turnin it's a difficult road that's not got a turning  
it's a sair fecht ɪtsaˈserˈfɛxt it's a hard life, it's a difficult task in context
sair hearted sad at heart  
sair awa wi't serawɑˈwiɪʔ near the end of a fatal illness, far gone  
wicked sair cruelly excellent in context
sairgint sergeant  
sairie | sairry sorry in context
saison ˈsezn season in context
saithe | saith | seeth seð full grown coalfish  
sall | sal shall  
sam | samen same  
sang song in context
sang buik song book  
sanna shan't  
sanshach ˈsanʄəx wily, shrewd  
sant sent disappear, vanish  
sap a sop consumed as food, a sop given as an alternative in lieu  
sappie juicy meat, plump, soggy, a person over unctuous and obsequious  
sapple soak with water  
sapples soapy lathers  
saps pieces of brad soaked in milk (as food for children)  
sapsie | sapsy soft, sloppy, weak willed individual in context
sark | serk sark man's shirt, a woman's chemise, boards nailed onto the roof to which slates will be nailed  
sarkin roof boarding  
sassenach ˈsasənəx english speaking person, english person in context
sassenger | sasser sausage  
sate | sait set seat  
sattle settle, a bench or ledge, the raised platform the cattle stand on in the byre so you can brush out their crap that they inevitably plop (pour) into the channel at the edge of it  
sattle bed a bed that you can fold up into a seat during the day  
sauch | saugh | saugh sɑx sallow, willow  
saucht sɑxt peace, at ease, quiet  
sauf sɑf safe, save in context
saul | sawl | sowl soul (religious)  
saulie a hired mourner  
saumon ˈsɑmən salmon  
saumont sawmont  
saunt saint  
saur sɑr taste, savour, smell, slight breeze  
saurless tasteless, lacking in wit  
saut sɑt salt in context
saut-backet salt box, normally with a rounded front and flat back suitable for hanging on a wall. in context
nae sma saut it's no small beer, a serious matter  
savendie strong, secure, trustworthy  
saw to saw wood, a healing ointment  
saw | sawe | show | schew to sow, shed blood, throw out a fishing line  
sawings mɪlˈlid sawdust in context
sawneb red-breasted merganser  
sax | sex numeral six in context
saxpence sixpence  
saxt sixth  
saxteen sixteen  
saxteent sixteenth  
saxtie sixty  
saxeane made of stone  
scabbit | skabbit scabbed, bare infertile land  
scaddin poor thin turf parings from off the top of the peat bog, thatching turf  
scaddin worthless contemptible person or thing, rubbish  
scaff | skaff scrounge, gather what is  
scaffenger | skaffenger scavenger  
scaffie | skaffie street sweeper, refuse collector, bin man in context
scag the deleterious effects of the sun on fish and on one's face through exposure  
scailie | scailyie | skeely ˈskelɪ slate, a slate pencil  
scailie brod a slate for writing on - my school, when I first went, it still had inkwells and slates hanging around, although no longer in use (quod in 2016)  
scallion | skallion a spring onion  
scalpit skalpɪt scalped, a severe haircut, shorn in context
scam | scaum | skam skɑm burn, singe, mark, by heat or frost  
scance | skance scan, analyse, look critically  
scant | skant lack, scarcity  
scantlins | skantlins scarcely  
scar | scaur | sker | skair timid flighty animal or animals, fright, scare  
scarf the cormorant  
scarp bare barren piece of ground  
scarrow ′skɑrə A faint light or reflection of light, - of the moon, - from a wall, etc. in context
scart | skart scratch, scrape in context
scartle hoe and or rake in context
scash squabble in context
scatter throw coins at a wedding for children to scranble  
scaud | skaud | scaul skɑd scald in context
scauld to scold  
scaum | skaum skɑm scorch, singe  
scaup | skaup skɑp scalp, cranium, thin soil, stony ground  
scaur | skaur skɑr scar, steep rock, precipice  
scaw | skaw skɑ scaly skin disease, barnacles  
scawt | skawt having a skin disease  
skercraw skerˈkrɑ scarecrow  
scheme | skeme skim plan, housing estate  
schuil | skuil | scuil | scule | schule skøl school in context
sclaff | sklaff sklaf strike obliquely with the open hand or with something flat, slap obliquely in context
sclaff | sklaff to walk flat footed, shuffle with ill fitting footwear in context
sclaffer | sklaffer clumsy flat footed person  
sclammer | sklammer clamber, clamour  
sclatch | sklatch sklatʃ smear or cover over with some wet messy substance, smudge, a heavy fall in context
sclate | sklate slate  
sclave sklev work like a slave, spread malicious gossip in context
scleff | skleff thin and flat, thin slice  
sclender | sklender ˈsklɛndər slender  
scliff | skliff shuffle, drag the feet, to rub against  
sclim | sklim climb  
sclinter | sklinter sklɪntər splinter, break off, a splinter in context
sclithers loose stone on the hillside, scree  
sclore gossip at length  
sclunch sklʌnʃ walk with a slow heavy tread  
scly slide, skate as on ice  
sclyte | sklite fall, work clumsily  
scob | skob skob twig, rod or slat of wood used for stuff, i.e. a splint  
scob scoop out  
scodge | skodge a servant, do rough work  
scoff skof steal, plunder, drink or swallow food quickly, dodge, avoid  
sconce | skonce guard, screen or shelter, cheat  
scone skɑn to hit the surface with a flat object  
scone skɑn scone, flat round baked cake, - all sorts; plain, raisin, cherry, cheese, potato, treacle, etc. also a smack with the palm of the hand in context
a scone on the lug a slap on the ear  
scoor | scour | skoor | skour skur scour, light shower, gusty with intermittent rain, scour, cleanse, purge in context
scoor-oot skurˈut scatter coins for a scramble  
scoor the durk drive out the big clumsy person  
scoorie | scourie scruffy, shabby, disreputeable in context
scoot | skoot | skout squirt, spout, hurry, scout in context
score | skore skor scratch a mark, crevice  
scoskie starfish  
scotch mist skotʃˈmɪst light rain with droplets so fine it is almost a mist except that you can tell it's falling as opposed to walking into dense cloud when you're on the mountain - which is also a wetting experience  
scouk | skook | skouk skuk skulk, avoid, sneak  
scoul | skool skul scowl  
scoush | skoosh skuʃ spray, squirt, gush in spurts, lemonade or any fizzy drink in context
scousher | skoosher a sprinkler device, water pistol  
scouth | skooth scope  
scouther skʌuθər burn, singe in context
scowder | skowder ˈskʌudər burn, scorch, over toast in context
scowe | skowe flat bottomed boat  
scowes | skowes barrel staves, splinters  
scowthe | skowthe skʌuθ freedom, scope  
scrae | skrae stunted, shrivelled  
scrab skrab scratch, scrape  
scraffle ˈskrafl claw about with the hands  
scraible | skraible | skraibil a wangle, obtain advantage by roundabout means  
scraichin calling hoarsely  
scrammle | skrammil scramble  
scran | skran skran scraps of food, beg  
scrat | skrat scratch, scrape with the nails, in context
scratcher skratʃər one's bed in context
scrauch | skrauch skrɑx to scream, shriek, shout in context
scrauchle | skrauchil scramble with hands and feet  
scree | skree a large bank of loose stones on a steep mountainside, box shaped riddle  
screed | scried | skreid ˈskrid a long narrow strip, a rip, long speech or piece of writing  
screenge | screinge skrindʒ rub or scour, search  
screeve | screive | skreeve | scraive skriv graze the skin, make a scraping motion or sound in context
screich | skreech | scriegh | skreik | skreegh | skreigh skrɛx a screech, high pitched scream or cry, the incredibly annoying banshee noise wee over-excited spoiled girls make in context
screich break of the day, dawn  
scrieve | scrive skriv write, skate along smoothly, talk fluently and long in context
scrivand | scriwand noxtɪ set down in writing, describe. in context
scrievin writing in context
scrimp | skrimp in short supply  
scrimpit scanty in context
scrink | skrink shrivel, shrink  
scriptur | scripter scripture  
scroban ˈskroːbən chicken gizzard, human neck or chest in context
scroch skrotʃ scorched by the weather  
scrocken | scrochen ˈskrokən dry out (peats), shrivel and shrink from drying out or heat in context
scrogs | skrogs skrogs stunted bushes or trees in context
scroggie ground covered in scraggy undergrowth  
scronach skronəx a loud lamentation  
scrump crunch, munch, chew, something crisp and hard  
scruif | skruif | scrufe | skrufe skrøf scruff, scurf, scab  
scrunkit | skrunkit skrʌnkət shrunken, shrivelled  
scrunt | skrunt skrʌnt something worn down by use or age  
scud | skud skʌd scud, a blow, smack  
scuddie | skuddie | scud skʌdɪ in the nude, naked in context
scuddle mess about at chores  
scuddler skivvy, maid of all work in context
scuddlin claes second or third best clothes - or work in the the scuddie and save on laundry  
scuff | skuff skʌf graze  
scug | skug skʌg hide, shelter  
scuip | scupe | skip skup scoop, brim of hat, cap peak  
scuipit bunnet | skippit bunnet skøpətˈbʌnət cloth cap with peak  
sculduddery | sculdudderie | skulldudderie skʌlˈdʌdərɪ bawdrieness, indecency  
scult | skult slap, smack  
scum a thin coating of ice  
scumfish | scomfish ˈskʌmfɪʃ suffocate, choke with heat smoke or bad smell  
scunge | squeenge skʌndʒ prowl about  
scunner | skunner ˈskʌnər disgust, cause revulsion in context
scunneration the object causing disgust  
scunnersome disgusting  
scur | scurl | skurl scab  
scurr slither, slide, skate  
scurrivaig | skurrivaig ˈskʌrɪˈveg tramp, vagabond, aimlessly roam  
scush skʌʃ shuffle about  
scutter skʌtər make a slovenly bungling mess, busy at something unimportant, doing some needless pointless dawdling annoying thing in context
scutterie troublesome  
sea maw sea gull  
sea pyot ˈsiˈpaɪət oyster catcher  
sech sɛx to sigh  
seck sɛk sack  
secretar secretary  
sederunt | sederount səˈderənt list of present at meeting  
see | sie | sei see  
seein gless mirror, telescope  
seek | seik | seeck fed up, sick, sickening, percolate, ooze in context
seeken sikən sicken  
seel | seil | seyle happiness, bliss, prosperity  
seelfu | seilfu | seylfu pleasant, happy in context
seendle | seindle rare, seldom  
seep | seerup | seirup sip syrup, lyles golden syrup in my experience, the lion with the bees on the tin - which I thought were flies in my childhood - well it's what the cattle had around them around me at the time  
seestem | seistem system  
seetiation | seitiation sitjuetʃən situation  
segs sɛgs sedge, yellow flag iris, metal studs to protect the soles of a boot, sag  
seggan a wild iris  
seicont | saicont | seecont | saicant second  
sel | sell self  
selkie ˈsɛlkɪ seal in context
sell sell  
selt | sellt ˈsɛlt sold  
semmit woollen undershirt or vest in context
semple simple  
sen sɛn send  
ser | sair | serr | serve serve  
serrin | sairin satisfied, been given enough  
set | sett | sit sɛt set, cause or make to sit  
sey səi test, try, trial piece of work in context
shackle | sheckle shackle  
shae | scho ʃø shoe  
shaidae | shaida | shaddie ʃedə shadow  
shaird shred  
shairn | sharn ʃern excrement (cattle, sheep) in context
shairny clarted loun ʃernɪˈklɛrtədˈlun farm worker covered in crap  
shairny flee dung fly  
shairp | sherp sharp in context
shairpen ʃerpən sharpen in context
shairpit ʃerpət sharpened  
shak ʃak shake in context
shakit | shakkit ʃakət shaken, shook  
shaks ʃaks shakes  
the shakins o the poke last born of the family, the crumbs at the bottom of the crisp or biscuit packet  
shammle | shammil ˈʃaml shamble  
shammie leggit ˈʃamɪˈlɛgət bow legged  
shan of poor quality, pitiful, timid in context
shanagan a stick cleft at one end  
shangie ˈʃaŋɪ a cleft stick, tin can etc, fixed to a dogs tail, a row, disturbance  
shangie washer around a bolt or bit to prevent leakage, handcuff, manacle  
shangie Thin, lean, scraggy, gaunt in context
shank ˈʃank leg, leg of meat, shaft of an implement, downward spur of a hill in context
shank's pony ˈʃanksˈponɪ walking, to walk, -"dae ye want a lift hame? Naw, nae worries, I'll tak the shank's pony"  
shankit ˈʃankət to have legs - in a specified way in context
sair shank sore leg, hobbled in context
shanna shall not  
shannack an outdoor fire  
shap ʃøp shape, set about, pattern in context
share sheer, bright, separate the liquid from the dregs  
sharg small, stunted person  
sharrie a quarrel  
sharrow bitter to the taste in context
shathmont the measure from the knuckle of the little finger in the clenched fist to the tip of the extended thumb, meant to be eight inches  
shauch ʃɑx awry, twisted  
shauchelt | shauchilt worn out, out of shape  
shauchle | scauchil ˈʃɑxl shuffle with no lifting of the feet  
shaul | shauld shallow  
shaver youngster, male youth just beginning to shave  
shavie trick  
shaw show, display  
shaw ʃɑ a copse, to cut the shaws from the plants in context
shaws stalks and leaves of the potato, turnip etc.  
she | shae | sheu she  
shear | sheir ʃer shear, clip  
shear moose shrew  
shears | sheers scissors and sheep clippers  
sheave | sheaf a bundle of grain stalks cut, laid lengthwise and bound with binder twine then thrown off the binder - collected by labourers (you can hold three under each oxter) and usually stacked against each other in groups of 12 (stook) to dry - the harvesting practice before the combine harvester with it's rectangular bales and before the big cylindrical things that spew out wrapped in plastic - before all that it was a guy with a scythe or sickle followed by another who bound and stacked in context
shed | shedd | shede ʃɛd separate, divide, sort out sheep  
sheel | schill ʃil shell, take out of the pod, husk  
sheeling-hill a piece of rising ground where grain was winnowed by the wind  
sheen | shein shine, gleam, glisten  
sheemach ˈʃiməx tangled or matted mass of hair etc. a puny person  
sheep | schip sheep  
sheep bucht ˈʃipˈbʌxt sheep pen  
sheep fank a stone enclosure where sheep are gathered for shelter, dipping etc.  
sheep-shank a sheep's leg; he's nae sheep-shank = a person of no small importance  
sheep troddles sheep droppings  
sheer dog the tope  
sheltie ˈʃɛltɪ Shetland pony  
shenachie | sennachie ˈʃɛnəxɪ a professional recorder of oral histories, story teller  
sherrack a noisy quarrel  
sheriff | shirra sheriff, judges in the sheriff court, county judge  
sheriff officer one who carries out the warrants of the sheriff  
sheuch ˈʃux a ditch, a trench, builders bum (the fold of the buttocks) in context
sheugh ditch, to dig a ditch, lay, place a plant temporarily in a trench backfilling with the heel in context
sheuk | shuik ˈʃuk shook  
shevel | showl twisted mouth, twist, bitter taste  
shew | sue ʃu sew, sewed  
shide cleave  
shiel | sheil ʃil temporary made rough hut, by shepherds, herdsmen and salmon fishermen usually, summer pasture with a hut to stay in  
shielin | shieling | sheilin high or remote summer pasture with huts to stay  
shift ʃɪft an order to move yourself out of the way, change one's clothes, making a living  
shilagie ʃəˈlagɪ coltsfoot (plant)  
shilfie | shillie | shilfa chaffinch  
shill shrill, chill in context
shilling The coin now worth five UK pence which was once worth 12 copper pennies - 20 of the shillings equalled one pound. Once was a value to the weight of 12 silver pennies, once used as a classification of beer based on price per barrel, you can still get beer labelled 80 shilling. in context
shilp sour, bitter  
shilpie thin, puny  
shilpit pale, sickly, weak, insipid, puny in context
shin ridge or steep hill face, pair of shoes in context
shinty ʃɪntɪ a highland game like hockey but essentially rougher than rugby, played with clubs and once used to train warriors, similar to the equally tough Irish game called hurling except the Irish are allowed to catch the ball (a hard rounded knot of wood) in the hand. in context
shinin ˈʃəinən shining in context
shirpit thin, shrunken in context
shite defecate, excrement  
shither ˈʃɪðər shiver, shudder, natives of a district  
shiv ˈʃɪv knives, blades in context
shive slice of bread  
shivereens ʃɪvəˈrinz small bits, fragments  
shockle an icicle  
shog | shoug a shake  
shoogle ʃugl shake, wobble, move from side to side in context
anti-shoogle stabilizer in context
shooglie ʃuglɪ shaky, unsteady  
shooin' being shod  
shore threaten, scold, use menaces  
short syne ʃortˈsəin a little while ago  
shot taking a turn at something, borrowing something to use for a very short period in context
shot shot, discharge, get rid of in context
shot window small opening in the wall of a house closed by shutters, sometimes with some small panes of glass above the shutter opening  
should | shoud | shuid | shude | suld should, ought in context
shouder | shooder | shoother ˈʃudər shoulder in context
shouer | shooer ˈʃuər shower of rain, pang of pain (childbirth)  
shouldna | shouldni ˈʃudnə should not. in context
shouther | showther | shouther ˈʃuðər shoulder  
showd ʃʌud rock, sway  
shreed | shreid ʃrid shred  
shrood ʃrud shroud  
shrunkelt shrunken, shrivelled  
shue | shoo | shew swing, rock or sway  
shuil | shule | shool ʃøl shovel in context
shuin | shune | shoon ʃɪn shoes  
shuir ʃur sure  
shuit | shute ʃut shoot  
shuit the craw leave, abscond without paying  
shyve | shive throw a rope from a boat to the shore  
sib related by blood  
sic | sich sɪk such in context
siccan such  
siccar | sicker | sickar safe and free from danger, steady, stable, dependable in context
sicht sɪxt sight in context
siclike such like, of the same kind,  
sicwice | sicwyse thus  
sidelins ˈsəidlɪnz sideways  
sieven | seeven | saiven | siven sivn seven  
sievent seventh  
sieventeent seventeenth  
sieventie seventy  
sile | syle cover, deceive, seive, newly hatched young fish  
sile soil in context
sillar | siller ˈsɪlər silver, money, loose change in context
siller-blind blinded by wealth to the suffering of others in context
siller-dodge to cheat in money afairs, to not pay one's fair share in context
white-siller silver coin in context
yellow-siller gold coin  
simmen ˈsɪmən straw rope for thatch  
simmer summer in context
simmer dim the twilight of a Shetland summer evening where the sun barely sets for more than an hour or two in context
sin | sinn sun, son  
sin syne since then  
sinder | sinner ˈsɪndər part, separate, to part company from  
sindrins a fork in the road  
sindry sundry  
sirken fond of one's comforts  
sirple | sipple sip, drink continuously  
sithean ˈʃiən a natural or artificial mound, a fairy hill in context
sitooterie ˈsɪtˈutərɪ conservatory in context
skaich | scaich | skech | skeich sponge, obtain, wheedle, pilfer, scrounger  
skail skel fish/reptile scale in context
skair a share, a bare part of a bank  
skarrach skarəx flying shower of rain or fleeting snow  
skaith | skeath skeð damage, harm, hurt in context
skathie | scathie a rough shelter, a fence  
skave skev over to one side  
skean dhu | sgian dubh ˈskiən short bladed dagger - the one usually tucked into the sock when wearing a kilt  
skech | skaich skex get something by scrounging or wheedling  
skeeg skig the smallest amount of liquid, the least drop, spank  
skeel | skeel skill, experience, in the art of healing, expert  
skeer | skeir | skyre skir flighty animals, scare in context
skeerie anxious, agitated, scared in context
skeetch | skeitch ice-skate  
skeetcher | skeitcher stone for piever  
skeich | skeech | sceech skix frisky, restless, in high spirits - animals  
skeichen | skeechen ˈskixən an inebriating malt liquor produced in the latter stages of brewing  
skeigh | skiegh | skeg whip, slap  
skelf | scelf | skelb | skel skɛlf a flake, splinter, a sliver lodged in the skin in context
skell | skail | scail skɛl spill, scatter, fish scale in context
skellet ˈskɛlət A small bell for town cryers etc. also a tin water scoop; also a skillit. in context
skellie | scellie skɛlɪ squinting, glance, exaggerate, low ridge of rock running out to sea in context
skelloch | skelldock | skellie ˈskɛləx wild mustard, scream, shriek  
skellum skɛlʌm scamp, rogue, scoundrel in context
skelp | scelp a slap, a big slice or lump, a large expanse in context
skelp doon slap down, a heavy painful landing in context
skelp o rain quick heavy downpour  
go at a skelp | skelp alang proceeding quickly, move at speed in context
skelpie-limmer naughty mischevious girl in context
skelter scurry, scamper, rush headlong, also: at full speed, precipitately in context
skemmels slaughterhouse, meat or fish market  
skemmle ˈskɛml shamble  
skemp scamp  
skep ˈskɛp basket, wicker beehive  
skerrie | skerry ridge, precipice, rock in sea  
skew go off the straight, twist  
skew whiff skjuˈhwɪf awry, this way and that in context
skewl | skyowl skjul turn aside, twist  
skey ski get clear  
skiddle skɪdl splash, spill, a mess, move quickly and lightly, small, insignificant  
skiddlin skɪdlɪn moving rapidly and lightly in context
skiff skim, move lightly and superficially, skim a flat object along a surface  
skiffin slight fall of now, thin partition,  
skiffle | skiffil skip or skim across  
skiffs blows  
skift skip, skim, fall lightly  
skilt move about quickly and lightly, dart  
skime shine with reflected light  
skimmer twinkle, gleam, flicker, shimmer  
skink shin or knuckle of beef, pour out, drink weak thin booze  
skink squash by weight or pressure  
skinkle glitter, gleam, sparkle in context
skinnymalinky skɪnɪˈməˈlɪŋkɪ thin person, bones and skin only in context
skip (curling) captain of the team, directs play and usually throws last in context
skirl to cry or sound shrilly in dreadful awful pain, also, but more so, it means the scream of the bagpipes at full throttle in context
skirlie oatmeal cooked in a frying pan with onions and fat. I have a recipe for skirlie here.  
skirt run away, play truant  
skite | skeet dart through the air suddenly often obliquely, slip, slide abruptly on ice, also an objectional type of person in context
skeeterin blɪn skating, skipping speedily over water or ice in context
skitie skəitɪ slippery in context
skitter | skit have diarrhoea in context
skivet sharp hard blow  
sklent | sclent sklɛnt incline, a sloping surface, also; a slant, move obliquely, turn sideways, an opportunity in context
skliff | skluif | skloof walk with heavy shuffling steps  
sklyte a heavy fall  
skouth | skoot scope, look about attentively  
skraich | skraik | skriech | skriegh skrɛx a screech, high pitched scream or cry, mainly referring to the noise of birds  
skyce | skice make a getaway fast  
skyme | skime glance or gleam  
skyre | skire skəir shine, glitter, clear, bright  
skyrin flaring  
slabber salivate, talk drivel, slobber  
slack a hollow between hills  
slade | slaid slid  
slae sloe, slow worm  
slag a big blob of a wet lump, to gobble up in wet messy spoonfuls  
slaiger smear in context
slaik | slake slek lick, slobber over  
slair sler smear  
slairie a smear, daub, lick of paint  
slaister slestər make messy, smear, feed or work messily or awkwardly in context
slaisterie wet and dirty, muddy  
slaisterin untidy, work carelessly and messilly  
slait | slate nasty person  
slaiter sletər wood louse  
slap | slop a narrow pass  
slap a breach or opening in a wall, a wound, a gap in the clouds  
slather ˈslaðər smear on heavily in quantity in context
slattyvarrie edible seaweed  
slauchter ˈslɑxtər slaughter  
slaurie slurry, spread or splash with mud grease etc. in context
slaw | slaa ˈslɑ slow, slowly  
slaver ˈslevər talk nonsense  
slavers excess saliva in context
sled sledge in context
slee sli sly, clever, skilled, go or come silently in context
sleek | sleik slik smooth, deceitful, oily and cunning  
sleek | sleik slik mud or sludge deposited by sea or river in context
sleekit | sleikit sly, smooth in context
sleepit slept  
sleesh sliʃ a slice, a cutting stroke, lash  
slerp slobber, daub with something  
slewie one with a heavy swinging way of walking  
slicht slɪxt sleight, cunning  
slid slippery, smooth - surfaces  
slidden slid  
slidder slither in context
slidderie | sliddery | slippie | slidie slippery, sly, not strictly honest, deceitful, unreliable, untrustworthy in context
slidderie-stammakit indiscreet in one's talk,  
slink smooth crafty person  
slippit slipped  
slippit the timmers die  
slitter ˈslɪtər work or walk messily in water etc  
slitterie wet and messy, sloppy  
sloch | sluch slox slough, an outer skin, eat noisily  
slocherin eating noisily in context
slocken | sloke quench thirst, slake, put out fire  
slock one's drouth slake one's thirst  
slockin a drink, enough drink  
slogger a dirty untidy person  
slogie riddle wide meshed riddle to sort vegetables  
sloonge | slounge slunŋʒ lounge, loaf about  
slootch slouch, crouch, cower  
slorach ˈslorəx slobber, consume vittles messily  
slork make a slobbering noise  
slorp slobber, squelch  
slorp an greet sob and cry intensively  
sloum | sloom slum in a daydream oblivious, slumber, a rumour  
sloush | sloosh sluice, splash  
slouster | slooster ˈslustər work untidily or messily  
sluch a slough, a soppy mess  
sludder | sluther To swallow noisily, to gulp down food; to do work messily and slovenly; a slovenly person  
sludder | sluther Any wet or slimy substance, mud, mire, filth in context
slump a great number, lump together, a low boggy marsh, sink slowly  
slung a sling for slinging missiles such as ball bearings  
slunk ˈslʌnk wet and muddy hollow, ditch  
slunken weak- or starved looking  
slup slʌp slip  
sluppit slipped  
slush slʌʃ a wet marshy place, dirty churned up half melted snow  
slutter work in a dirty churned up messy half hearted way  
slype | sclipe sləip a hard slap or a smack onto the ground  
sma | smaa | smaw small in context
sma boukit ˈsmɑˈbukɪʔ compact and tidy  
wee sma oors the very early hours of the day  
smad | smud a small stain, discolour  
smairg besmear with something oily  
smairt | smert smert smart in context
smarrach ˈsmarəx a confused crowd  
smatter | smather smash, shatter  
smeddum a fine powder, the strength or essence of a substance, spirit, energy in context
smeek | smeik smik fumes from burning, smoke, unpleasant smell, suffocate in context
smiach | smeech ˈsmiəx a threat and command to be silent  
smick spot, trace  
smiddie | smiddy smithy, blacksmith  
smirk smile pleasantly  
smirl a mocking smile  
smirr a passing of fine rain - hardly worth puting any covering on in response to as you'll become dry as quickly as you became wet in context
smirriken made damp, exchange wet kisses, canoodle in context
smirtle a knowing snigger  
smit infect, attack, spot, stain, contaminate in context
smizzle rain thinly and lightly  
smoch smox thick fog or smoke  
smool | smoul sneak about, slip away, petulant look  
smoor | smore | smoar | smuir smju:r smother, suffocate, choke on smoke in context
smoort smothered  
smorin thick headcold, choking headcold  
smou | smoo smile  
smouder | smooder smoulder  
smourach | smoorach | smurach smurəx fine dust or powder  
smous | smoos smiles  
smoutie smutty  
smowt smʌut salmon fry, smolt  
smuchty smʌxtɪ smoky, smoggy  
smuchter smʌxtər smoulder with much reek  
smudge smʌdʒ smirk, half supressed laugh  
smue | smew smju smile  
smuirich | smourich ˈsmørəx canoodle, exchange long kisses in context
smuist | smuste smøst smoulder, smoke with not much flames  
smush smʌʃ crush, smash into tiny fragments, thick cloud of smoke  
smyagger ˈsmjagər bespatter  
smytrie | smyte ˈsmɪtrɪ a small collection, a litter, group of kids (cheekily) in context
snack snap, bite, quick, sharp, alert  
snagger snore loudly, growl in context
snaik sneak  
snake a slug, the big grey and black ones - huge some years  
snakin sneering  
snap smart  
snapper to stumble  
snar severe, strict in context
snarkie bɑd abrupt critical in context
snarp bɑd sharp. keen  
snash snap, vituperate, sneer, verbal abuse in context
snauchle ɑlɛ′gru:gs An insignificant, puny or feeble person – based on the notorious bitter poker playing pirate captain Alagrugous Wanworth Snauchle – a character invented by me only a few days ago (2020). in context
snaw | sna | snaa snow in context
snaw bree snɑˈbri melting snow  
like snaw aff a dyke very quickly  
sneck latch, snap, a notch, to catch in context
sned prune branches, lop off tops and bottoms of turnips  
sneddins piles of pruned branches from the tree to make the trunk sawbench ready in context
sneesh | sneesh | sneish snuff, take snuff, sneeze in context
sneeshin something of little value, tiny amount of not very much in context
sneeshin mill a snuff-box  
sneest | sneist snist behave contemptuously, a taunt in context
sneestie cheeky  
sneevil | snievle ˈsnivl snivel, cringe, to act in a sycophantic, self-demeaning, or insincere manner  
sneiter | sneeter giggle, weep  
snell chilly, bitter, severe, sharp to taste, quick, nimble in context
sneyster | sniester ′snəistər to burn, grill, toast, roast, cauterise in context
snib bolt, fasten, rebuke, rebuff, cut off, slice into in context
snicher ˈsnɪxər snigger, tittle  
snifter sniff, snivel, snort, snore, a wee dram  
snig jerk, sudden pull  
snigger catch salmon illegally by dragging with hooks  
snippit abrupt in speech, tart, giving short measure, cutting, snipped in context
snirlie gusty, biting wind  
snirt | snirl | snirk suppressed laughing, snigger  
snirtle sneer, to snigger  
snite snəit blow the nose with only a finger and thumb. Steam train railway workers were masters at it or they ended up with a useless soggy black hankie in no time, the smutty snochters fly out of the nose to the ground and are never on the fingers from what I've witnessed  
snochter ˈsnoxter nasal mucus  
snochter-dichter ˈsnoxterˈdixtər handkerchief  
snod smooth, level, neat, trim  
snodge pace, walk deliberately  
snoit snore  
snoods fillets worn by maids  
snoot | snowt snout  
snoozle | snozzle ˈsnozl snooze, short nap, in my family it's usually posed in a question from from my wife - if I've been through the hoose for a short spell unnacounted for (snozzling) - in my case a power nap of course  
snork snort, snuffle, snore in context
snorl snorl knot, tangle, twist  
snotter box one's nose, particularly when one has the cold in context
snowk | snoke | snook snʌuk sniff, smell, scent out in context
snuid, snude snud part of a sea fishing line, ribbon bound round the forehead  
snuil | snule | snool snøl submit tamely in context
snuit | sneet snøt work in a listless lazy way  
snuve | snuive | snoove snuv glide, spin, go slowly  
socher ˈsɑxər pamper oneself  
socht soxt sought in context
sock ploughshare  
sodger | sojer sodʒər soldier in context
some | sum some  
somebit somewhere  
some ither bodie someone else  
somebodie someone  
somegate somewhere, somehow  
somewey sʌmˈwɑɪ somehow or other, someway  
sonse abundance, prosperity,  
sonsie | sonsy sonsɪ bringer of luck, buxom, comely, attractive, handsome, impressive in context
sonsie fa ye may you have good fortune  
soom | sweem | swome | soum to swim in context
soo sow - the pig, inflict pain on, throb, wind murmur, sigh  
soond sund sound, noise, healthy in context
soop sweep  
soopit swept  
soor sour in context
soor-douk | soor-dook surˈduk buttermilk, yoghurt in context
soorldab surlˈdab to finish  
gie yin their soorldab put paid to, finish off  
soorock sorrel  
soosh punish severely, beat  
soother ˈsuðər to sooth, to calm, flatter in context
sorn sponge or scrounge off by force or threat  
soroner one who sorns  
sorrae | sorra sorrow  
sorple make a sucking noise when drinking  
sort tidy, arrange, repair  
soss wet edible soggy mess, eat in a sloppy way, a wet thud, a heavy fall  
sot a fool, a simpleton, a stupid person in context
sotter simmer, work away ineffectively  
sotter aboot loaf, being idle  
sou | soo sow, pig  
souch | sooch sux drawn out sound of the wind, a sigh, the breath in its various connotations in context
soucye ˈsusɪ the marigold  
souk | sook suk to suck, teachers pet in context
grannie-sooker ˈgranɪˈsukr a peppermint, white round and hard sweetie that you suck in context
soukie soorocks | sookie soorocks wood sorrel  
soukin teuchit | sookin teuchit ˈsukənˈtʃuxət tired turkey, foolish person in context
soukit drained dry, exhausted  
soum sum how many animals a pasturage will support, a horseload, surmise  
soup | soop | soupe | sowp sup (ironic) a considerable amount (spirits), soup  
souple | soople supple in context
souse | soose sus strike, a thump on the head, a thump, put a person in their place  
souter ˈsutər shoemaker, cobbler in context
sowans | sooans | sowens ˈsuənz a type of thin porridge - oat husks and fine meal are steeped (for a week or more) then a jelly like liquid is strained and squeezed off and then fermented for a time until the starchy solids settle out from a liquor, the removed solids have salt and water added and boiled to make a porridge - sour but nourishing apparently - and the fermented liquor left after the solids settled out is good for you too, called swats or sowan swats  
drinking sowans the liquid from the straining but before the fermenting - heated to thicken but not boiled in context
sowd sʌud sold  
sowff | sowth sʌuf hum or whistle softly, a polite snoring, snooze, a copious drink (spirits) in context
sowk soak, to drench, tipple, drink a lot  
sowl soul, person  
sowther | souder ˈsʌuðər to solder  
spae spe foretell, prophesize in context
spaewife female fortune teller  
spail | spale spel splinter of wood, sliver, work  
spails wood chips  
spairge roughcast, scatter, sprinkle  
spaiver spevər trousers' front opening, trouser fly  
spake | spaik | spik speak, spoke of wheel, perch in context
spang move with spring like swiftness, a sudden violent movement, vigorous strides  
spank to stride along quickly, run, to sparkle, spirit  
spankie nimble and quick in context
sparkie bright, sharp witted in context
spart scatter dung  
spartle a sprawling leap, spring wigglingly  
spate | speat spet heavy downpour, sudden rise of waters, tears  
spaul-bane spɑlˈben shoulder blade  
spean | spein | spane spen to wean an animal, suckling animal  
specht the green woodpecker  
speeder | speider spider  
speel, speil spil spell of time to rest or take a turn to relieve someone  
speel, speil spil to climb, clamber in context
speerit | speirit | spreet ˈspirɪt spirit  
speir | speer | spier spir inquire, ask in context
a fuil can spier mair questions than a wice man can answer a fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer - there is no answer to a fool  
speirins information, news  
speirt inquired  
speld | spel split open, spread out and flatten, cut, sprawl in context
spelder ˈspɛldər one who splits fish for curing  
spelk | spelch spɛlk sharp splinter, splint  
spence | spense inner room of house, the parlor  
sperfle | sperfil scatter, spread about  
speug | spug | sparrae | sparra spʌg house-sparrow in context
spew | speu | spue spju flow, pour out of a mealie pudding, be sick, spew  
spicket | spigot | spriggit ˈspɪgət outdoor tap in context
spiel spil any kind of game or play  
spilk shell peas  
spin progress favourably, journey in a vehicle, to roll in context
spindrift ˈspɪndrɪft spray whipped up by wind of water or snow  
spink young, attractive, a chaffinch  
spinkie looking young smart and attractive in context
spinner spider, daddy-longlegs  
spinnin jenny daddy-longlegs  
spirl a small slender shoot  
spirlie skinny, scraggie in context
spit a spot of rain,  
the spit o an amazing likeness of  
splairge splerdʒ smatter, besmear  
splatter sprinkle about in context
spleuchan ˈspluxən leather pouch  
split split, separate two previously played stones that are lying close together by striking them with a third one (curling)  
split new absolutely new just out of the wrapping  
sploosh spluʃ a messy splash in context
splore frolic, escapade, spree, commotion  
splurt squirt  
splyce | splice a sliver of wood, splinter  
spoot | spout sput end of a pipe, water from the end of such with force, outside tap  
spoots sputs razor clams, at this time in our denatured world spoots are such a rare and monetised Scottish commodity that criminal gangs are poaching them - or should that be - spoot rustling  
spounge | spoonge spundʒ ooze, sponge, sponge after food  
sprat reedy rush or grass suitable for ropes  
sprattle scramble, struggle, sprawl  
sprauchle ˈsprɑxl climb laboriously, struggle, flounder in context
spreckle speckle  
spreid | spred sprid spread  
springheid source, fountain head  
sprittie full of tough roots (from a kind of rush)  
sprog | sprug a child, a sparrow in context
sproot | spruit | sprut sprout, germinate in context
sprose To boast, brag, make a great show, swagger in context
sprot | sprote jointed leave rush, plant refuse collected for fuel  
sprush | sproush | sproosh spruʃ to tidy or spruce up, brisk, spruce-tree  
spuin | spune spoon in context
spulyie ˈspuljɪ plunder, spoil  
spung ˈspʌŋ purse, pouch for money - with a clasp in context
spunk spʌŋk fiery spark, poor small fire, a match  
spunkie will of the wisp, jack-o'-lantern, full of spirit  
spurtle | spurtil ˈspʌrtl round porridge stick, also metal or wood paddle for turning baking items in the oven in context
spurtle-blade the end that turns the bread or oatcakes  
spyle | spile ˈspəil spoil  
spyog spjog paw, hand, foot or bare stumpy branch  
squatter to flap about in water  
squeegee | squeegie ˈskwiˈdʒɪ at wrong angle, out of shape, askew  
squeeter spatter, cause liquid to fly about  
squint set at a slant, off the straight, missaligned. in context
squische crush, squash at once to a pulp  
squyle | squoile squeal  
staa | staw stɑ stall, accomodation in poorhouse, queasy feeling from too much  
stacher ˈstaxər stagger, stumble  
stack stack, column of rock in the sea separate from the cliffs  
staig steg a young stallion  
staik stek take slow stately steps  
stainch | stench stenʃ stanch, cease flowing, satisfy with food  
stainchel | stainshell ˈstenʃəl iron bar, grating  
stairch | sterch sterʃ starch  
stairheid top landing  
staive | stave stev sprain  
staiver saunter, easy going  
stale | stail stel foundation of haystack  
stamack stomach  
stammer stumble, falter, blunder about in context
stammle stumble, stagger in context
stammygaster | stamagast staməˈgastər a great and sudden disappointment, a shock, an unpleasant surprise in context
stance station, site, bus stop platform  
stane sten stone in context
stane chackart stonechat  
stane chipper wheatear  
stang staŋ sting, stung, a pole or wooden bar on which you the offender of whatever convention is paraded mounted astride it in public to be shamed in context
stank a moat, a pond, a semi stagnant body of water, a slow moving drain in context
stankie water hen  
stap stap a step  
stap to stop, to stuff in context
stappit stepped, stuffed  
stapple ˈstapl a stopper  
stapt | stapit fu filled to bursting  
stark strong, sturdy  
starn a star  
starnie starry  
stashie | stushie | stishie | stoushie stuʃɪ an uproar in context
staumrel half-witted  
staun | staund | stan stɑn stand in context
staundart | standart standard, upright pole, pillar  
stavel | staver stevl walk in an uncertain way, stumble  
steal | steil | staw | stale steal  
steamie stimɪ communal public wash-house, both for laundry and for getting a hot bath. Which we as students used a lot back in the day since we had flats that had just a toilets and many of us often shared one outside on the stairwell landing. At the steamies we all developed the art of making a spout from our hands to squirt water over the steamie cubicle walls to splash our bathing neighbours. in context
stech stɛx stuff oneself, cram  
stechie one with stiff joints, not fit to move easily  
steek butt, to shut out, to close up, to stitch, to sew  
steek one's lugs refuse to listen  
steepend | steipend | stipend stipend, clergy's salary  
steer | steir stir in context
steeve | stieve | steave | steive stiv of food; firm, thick, substantial: of persons; rigid, resolute, true  
steg stɛg cause a hold up of work, stride, a gander  
steid | steed stid place, situation, foundation, base in context
steidin ˈstɛdɪn steading, farm buildings  
steirs sters stairs  
stell stɛl prop, support, place in position, stride  
stell | still whisky still  
stend | sten | steen to stride, to march forward in a purposeful manner, leap, spring, rear up  
stend extent of something, area, erect something i.e. tent  
stent to supply an ungenerous or inadequate amount, also to stretch to the limit of how far something or oneself is able to go  
stent annual fee  
stere harsh, austere, stern, rigorous in context
stert | stairt stert start in context
stertit | stairtit started in context
sterve | stairve starve in context
stervin | stairvin starving in context
steuch | stew | stue stjux cloud of dust, uproar, stink  
stevel stumble  
stey stəi incline difficult to climb, haughty person, reside, support  
stey band metal bar across the inside of a double door entrance  
steys corset, whalebone girdle and other such devices  
stibble stubble in context
stibble-rig chief reaper  
stick stick, stab  
stick-an-stowe completely  
stickers | stickie willies goose-grass, cleavers  
stiddie | studdie | stithie ˈstɪðɪ anvil  
stieve | steeve | stievel ˈstivl stable, rigid, strong, reliable in context
still an on nevertheless  
stilp walk with long stiff steps  
stint stop, desist, to restrict in context
stint limit, wither, droop in context
stimpart a quarter of a peck  
stinkin Billie sweet William  
stinkin Willie ragwort  
stirk ˈstɪrk a young castrated bullock after weaning louping about in the grass chasing dogs up until its second or third year when it becomes steak pie, a stupid oafish fellow (as opposed to heifer) in context
there's aye water where a stirk droons there's no smoke without fire  
stob stake, fence post, a thorn, stab in context
stock hard plant stalk, block of wood, tree stump, become stiff or unwieldy with cold  
stoddert the area of green grass on a rough hill where a spring is  
stoom frown, look sulky  
stoap stop in context
stoond | stound | stoun slice of time, sudden heartache ,throb, tingle, astound, stun  
stooshie | stouchie stuʃɪ outraged commotion, up to high doh, squabble, stout built in context
stoot stout, in good health  
storm cock missle thrush  
stot stot a young castrated ox in its first year  
stot | stoit | styte bounce, rebound, a blow, a clumsy person,  
stottin rebounding, bouncing, stunning, in context
put off one's stot to lose the momentum, get distracted from a task going well, or from a problem in the process of being solved  
stotter | stoater stunningly attractive person or object or act of its type, stagger, stumble, a rebound in context
stottin fou legless as in inebriated, extremely drunk in context
stouk | stook ˈstuk shock of corn, cut sheaves set up in the field to dry usually ten or twelve sheaves per stook, I lived near a convent farm where they did that right up into the 1970's and I fed the sheaves into the threshing drum at the age of 15 with nothing between me and it except my knees on the open hatch lid, fields of stooks or bales were great summer places to play in context
stoukie | stookie ˈstukɪ stucco, plaster on broken limb, slow witted in context
stoup | stowp stʌup wooden post, deep narrow type of bucket or container for holding water  
stoure | stour | stoor stur dust, also; to stir, strife, move quickly, raise a dust, a bustle in context
stoure-sooker | stour-sooker | stoor-sooker stur vacuum cleaner, hoover  
stourie | stoorie | stoory dusty, also; bustle, battling, restless - stooryduster translates to dusty duster or the moving duster, one meaning of which could be the never ending hoovering or stirring up of stuff. In this case Scottish words and stories. in context
Stourie, stouchie, gaudie brierie! Dinging a' things tapsalteerie bustling, fussing, prankish, prickly! Knocking all things up and over  
bide the stour bear the struggle  
stovies stewed potatoes with onions and left over scraps of meat if you can afford meat - well... it's treated too cheaply now, beasts are treated appallingly  
stowe, stow stʌu fill with food  
stowed oot full, packed  
stowan stolen, tender sprout of cabbage  
stowenlins stealthily  
stoy saunter  
strae stre straw  
strae death death in bed  
strag thin growing  
straidle straddle  
strainin straining in context
strake | straik strek spread, stroke, stone for sharpening scythes, a blow, spear in context
stramash | strabash straˈmaʃ uproar, in a state of ruin in context
stramlach ˈstramləx anything long and trailing  
stramp tramp, walk  
strang strong in context
strange | streenge | stringe strendʒ strange  
strap a strip of leather  
strath straθ a river valley when broad and flat  
strathspey reel one of the slower safer Scottish dances  
strauchle struggle to move or work effectively  
straucht | straught | straicht strɑxt straight in context
straun street gutter, little stream  
stravaig straˈveg wander about aimlessly or casually, roam in context
straw strew  
streek | streek | straught | streetch strik stretch oneself in context
streen strin strain in context
streetch stretch in context
strekit | streikit | streetched extended, thrust up or forward (out/down) in context
strenth strɛnθ strength  
stribbly straggly loose hair, trailing in context
strick, strik swift flowing - in a stream  
striddle ˈstrɪdl to straddle  
strind very thin run or trickle of water  
strinkle besprinkle  
strip stripe, long thin strip  
strip o a laddie/lassie a youth  
strone walk about in a sulky mood, urinate  
strother ˈstrʌðər a marsh  
strounge | stroonge strundʒ bitter, harsh, gruff, sullen  
stroup | stroop strup spout or mouth of a kettle or jug, faucet in context
strowe | strow strʌu struggle, quarrel  
strunt in a huff, affront, strut and swagger, liquor (whisky)  
stuckie | stushie the starling  
stuil | stule støl stool, bench, counter  
cutty stuil kʌtɪˈstøl the stool of repentance in a church in context
stuit | stute støt prop, support  
stummle stumble  
stumpie stʌmpɪ a worn down quill - never mind quill, when did you last have a stump of a pencil?  
stunkard one sulky sullenly obstinate bugger  
the stunkles the sulks  
stunt bound along  
stupit ˈstjupɪt stupid  
sturt størt worry, strife  
styme | stime stəim glimpse, particle, the faintest trace  
stymie | stimey not able to see well in context
styte | stite nonsense  
subscrieve | subscreive sign up as a supporter  
sud should  
suddle dirty, soil  
suidna ˈʃudˈnɪ should not, ought not  
suin | sune sun soon in context
suiner sooner, rather  
soot | sute | søt suit, soot  
sumf | sumph sʌmf stupid, sullen, sulky person, slow witted  
sune | suin | soun | sin sun soon  
sunk | sonk turf seat built against a wall (in the sun)  
supper | sipper last meal of the day given to an animal - us too! in context
fish-supper fish and chips - used to be served in grease proof paper wrapped in newsprint - much more environmentally friendly than the styrofoam ugly taste causing containers we get now in context
puddin-supper pudnˈsʌpər oatmeal pudding (black or white) battered and deep fried served with chips - oatmeal is good for you but to our national shame we're also known to batter and deep fry a Mars Bar - and eat it  
surprise | surpreese surprise in context
susteenable sustainable in context
swabble thrash with a belt  
swack a sudden sodden heavy blow  
swack soft, moist and easily mouldable, pliant, cheeses soft and non crumbly in context
swadge | swage swadʒ subside, relax  
swaible mop up thoroughly  
swail swel boggy hollow  
swaird sward  
swallae | swalla | swallie | swolly ˈswɑlɪ a session of drinking alchohol, to swallow food, swallow - as in the birds Hirundinidae in context
swalt swollen  
swank agile, strong, smart and dressed up to impress  
swankies strapping fellows, seagulls  
swap hit, brandish a weapon, exchange blows  
swarf faint  
swarrach ˈswarəx a swarm, swarm of young children in a family  
swarth swarθ the cut made by one sweep of the scythe - a scything man am I, I didn't realise at the time but a local farmer supported my education by giving me a regulat student summer job scything the edges of all his fields in the hills - it was great - had to help dip sheep too, that was a bit harder and messier  
swash ˈswaʃ cast against the ground  
swat sweated  
swatch swatʃ take a quick look at, sample bit cloth, appraise by looking in context
swatch one's face in context
swats swats newly-brewed weak beer, also the liquor resulting from the making of sowans in context
swattle splash about in water or something wet  
swaver ˈswevər oscilate between two choices, move unsteadily  
swaw gently undulating waves  
sweamish squeamish in context
sweech swix swipe  
sweel | swiel | sweil swivel, a swell, swaddle  
sweeng | sweing swing  
sweep | soop | swoop | swype swip (curling) the command that is shouted to brush the ice, or the act of when one brushes the ice, in the path of the stone to aid its passage. if you are getting that word frantically screamed loudly and unintelligibly at you then you are expected to sweep hard like a madman to make sure the stone travels straight and true to it's destination, especially if someone is screaming HARD - and often in the middle of all that effort the skip will abrubtly roar UP and then you're meant to stop sweeping instantly.  
sweer | swoor swir swear  
sweet | sweit | swat | swait | swite swit sweat  
sweetie switɪ a sweet, a term of endearment in context
sweetie-boulie hard boiled sweet, gobstopper  
sweetie poke a bag for holding sweets  
Aberdeen sweetie a hard tap on the head delivered by a flick of the thumb in context
sweevel | sweil | swievel | swivəl swivel  
sweir | sweer swir sad, lazy slothful, reluctant  
sweirie well a well that is only certain after rain  
sweir-erse swirˈɛrs game: two persons sitting on the ground holding a stick between them who vie to pull the other up in context
swelch a whirlpool  
sweltrie hot, sultry  
swey swəi sway, swerve  
swick swɪk deceive, swindle, cheat in context
swiff | swuff the motion or the hissing, whishing sound of an object flying through the air  
swing swɪŋ swing, play equipment in a playground, move like a pendulum as a weight on the end of a rope, hang as in the death penalty  
swinge swindʒ beat, drive with heavy blows,  
swing for ye willing to risk the death penalty for someone - not in a loving way in context
swingin dunt swindʒənˈdʌnt a lot of speed energy and force in the impetus of the blow  
swingle swɪŋl swing from side to side in context
swink toil, struggle hard  
swipper | swyper ˈswɪpər quick, nimble in context
swirl | swurl twist, twirl, coil, swirling movement of water, smoke, etc.  
swirlie swɪrlɪ twisted, curly  
swith swɪθ quickly, at once, swiftly in context
swither ˈswɪðər be uncertain, hesitate, indecision in context
switter splash or flounder about, look like you're drowning  
swyre | swire | sware swəir flat hollow between hills with a path  
sybow | sybae | sybie | syboe ˈsəibə spring onion  
sye | sey | sie saɪ strain liquid  
sye cloot gauze used for straining liquid  
syke | sike small stream in boggy land on the flat, often dry in the summer  
synd | syne | syn rinse, wash out, swill  
syne | sin | sen | sene səin thereupon, since that time, next in context
syne last a seen ye since that time from when I last saw you  
synod sɪnod a court of the church  
sype | sipe drip, leak, soak out, ooze, small trickle in context
sypins saɪpəns leakings, last drops  
syte | site | sytt suffering, sorrow  
syth | cythe give satisfation or be satified  
sythe | syth saɪð strain milk (mainly) through a seive, milk seive  
syver | syre ˈsaɪvər a covered stone lined field drain, a ditch, water channel,  

Scottish Words illustrated