quaich |
kwex |
a well made smallish shallow bowl-shaped drinking cup as per the fine examples handed out with the medals at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland |
quaick | quaik |
kwek |
quack - like the duck - please note the difference in pronunciation between quaik and quaich - quaich has a soft back of throat cchhh ending which is common to the pronunciation of a lot of Scottish words (loch) |
quaid | qued |
vile, base, bad |
quair |
kwer |
quire (a quantity of paper - which once equalled 4 sheets with each one folded once to equal a bound collection of 16 pages) - now means a literary work of any length (pamphlet, booklet or book), ((a work that might require a quick quire of quality quiet paper - quod: myself) see quatern and quod) |
quaird |
a division of a farm's infield land to allow for crop rotation - the 18th century UK farming revolution used a four year rotation, wheat, turnips, barley then clover (or fallow) - the different impact each years planting has on the soil ensures it stays in better heart over the long term rather than if it was hammered by the same crop year in year out |
quaisteen | quastion | queystion |
question |
quat | quate | quett |
ˈkwɛt |
forsake, give up, requite |
quate | quaiet | queat | guyit |
ˈkwe(ə)t |
quiet, secret, private, remote, sheltered |
quak | quaik |
kwek |
tremble, quake |
quakin-bog | bobbin-qwaw |
a quagmire that trembles, quaking bog |
in context |
quarrel | querrel |
a quarry, quarry stone, argue |
quart |
a measure, a gallon of wine, ale or oil |
quat |
quit |
quatern |
ˈkwatərn |
a quire of paper - quire - originally a pamphlet of four sheets of paper or parchment folded over and sewn to make 8 leaves (16 pages) - Paper is now measured in numbers of sheets, a quire once 24 is now 25 sheets, a ream is 500, a bundle is 1000, a bale is 5000 sheets |
quaw | qua |
kwɑ |
bog, quagmire, marsh |
queat |
ˈkweət |
quiet |
in context |
queek | queak |
kwik |
squeak, cheep |
queem | queme | quim |
pleasing, agreeable, quiet, still, snug, neat |
queen o the meidae |
meadow-sweet |
queeple |
kwipl |
high pitched tone like that of a duckling |
queer |
peculiar, amusing, funny |
queerious |
ˈkwirɪəs |
curious |
queeriosity |
kwirɪˈozɪtɪ |
a curiosity |
in context |
queesitive | queisitive |
kwizɪtəv |
inquisitive |
in context |
queir | queer |
choir, a chancel, church ruin |
quern | quirn | queern |
kwɛrn |
quern - a hand milling stone, the stomach, the gizzard, a small seed, a granule |
querty |
active, vivacious |
quey | quoy |
kwəi |
a heifer |
quhalm |
qualm |
quhew |
hwju |
whew, whistling sound indicating relief |
quhon | wheen |
hwøn |
a few |
quick |
quick, alive and living, infested |
quickenin |
yeast, any fermenting agents |
quick-moss |
trembling-moss, amazing to experience as it seems the earth shakes under your feet, until you start sinking, and it sucks your wellies off |
quicken |
couch grass |
quidder |
kwɪdər |
full of vigour, really alive |
quietlin-wise |
ˈkwaɪətlənˈwəis |
quietly |
quine | quyne | quean | qyeyn |
kwəin, |
girl, young woman |
in context |
quinkins |
leavings or dregs, traces of food on pan, a worthless nothing |
quirk |
a riddle, a problem |
quirkie | quirky |
intricate, twisted, cunning, |
quisquous |
ˈkwɪskwəs |
perplexing, dubious, undefined |
quittance |
release, also a receipt |
quitten |
quit |
quo |
kwo |
quoth, said |
quod |
kwod |
said, "often written at the end of a text as a fancy way to make known the author of this text or quote"; quod myself |
quoit | coit | cute |
kwəi |
play a curling stone, taking part in a curling match |
quorum |
a gathering, a company |