I think the kettle’s bilin noo Sparky, onie mair heat and ye’ll hae its erse melted awa.
And whaur’ll we be with oor tea perty then! Oot! Oot o tea. That’s what.
Noo pit yer bilet water intae the teapot – ahm gaspin for a cuppa and yin o thon cakes.
Ahn in the future listen tae yer kettle, it sings when it biles.
bile: boil
I think the kettle is boiling now Sparky, any more heat and you will melt away its bottom.
And where will we be with our tea party then! Out! Out of tea. That’s what.
Now put your boiled water into the teapot – I’m gasping for a cuppa and one of these cakes.
And in the future listen to your kettle, it sings when it boils.
The Scottish Word: bile with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.
(This is a Scotstober 2024 Word.)
All of the Scotstober words illustrated for week two are available to scroll through on a single page here.