Scottish Word: Shairn.
Hoo dare ye! Hoo dare ye even think ye might have trow shairn oan yer boot from the gravel trows! Gravel Trow shairn’s aye gently blown oot their nether end as rock dust in the twilight. … Continue reading Shairn.
Hoo dare ye! Hoo dare ye even think ye might have trow shairn oan yer boot from the gravel trows! Gravel Trow shairn’s aye gently blown oot their nether end as rock dust in the twilight. … Continue reading Shairn.
“Mind yir broo on yon stane lintel.” Translate: lintel: beam across the top of an entrance, threshhold of a door. “Watch your forehead on that there stone beam.” The Scottish Word: lintel with its definition and … Continue reading Lintel.