A carpet of gravel trolls that are carrying above their heads a hiker and a dwarf by torchlight.
The Scottish Word:


Hoo dare ye! Hoo dare ye even think ye might have trow shairn oan yer boot from the gravel trows!

Gravel Trow shairn’s aye gently blown oot their nether end as rock dust in the twilight. An they mak sure it settles gently intae the groond.

Excellent stuff for increased healthy growth in yer gairden. Guid for the environment too.

Mind. Once in a while ye’ll get a diamond pooped oot. O a fair size too considering.

I wid consider yersell lucky if ye ever find that stuck tae yer boot.


shairn: dung, excrement.

Hw dare you! How dare you even think you might have troll poop on your boot from the gravel trolls!

Gravel Troll poop’s always gently blown out of their rear end as rock dust in the twilight. And they make sure it settles gently into the ground.

Excellent stuff for increased healthy growth in your garden. Good for the environment too.

Mind. Once in a while you’ll get a diamond pooped out. Of a fair size too considering.

I would consider yourself lucky if you ever find that stuck to your boot.

The Scottish Word: shairn with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

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