“Skip up the corbie stanes, shin alang the heid, a wee lowp tae yir plettie, in yir scratcher windie an yir maw’ll niver ken ye’ve been oot boozin. Maw’s can be unforgivining whaur booze is involved.” … Continue reading Corbie Stanes. →
balcony, door, gable, mother, rolling pin, roofs, slates, stairs, street, surveillance, tiles, town, window, windows Scottish Word: Redd.
“Get this moger redd up or yir both fur a lampin.” Translate: redd: clear up. “Get this mess cleared up or you will both be under threat of a beating.” The Scottish Word: redd with its … Continue reading Redd. →
Scottish Word: Heifer.
“Foreign rubbish, martial arts, foreign rubbish – ya silly heifer!” Translate: Heifer: a young cow or a clumsy big woman. The Scottish Word: heifer with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Heifer. →