Scottish Word: Tap.
I jist think were gonna get done fur cheatin. First, oor towein sharks are clearly visibill, second we’re no rowin, an third, pets are forbidden tae tak pairt in the race. Ahn tae tap it aw … Continue reading Tap.
I jist think were gonna get done fur cheatin. First, oor towein sharks are clearly visibill, second we’re no rowin, an third, pets are forbidden tae tak pairt in the race. Ahn tae tap it aw … Continue reading Tap.
“Dinni fash yersel. Me an Rover here have navigated this river man an cub for over twenty year.” Translate: fash: trouble, vex. “Do not trouble yourself. Rover and myself have navigated this river man and cub … Continue reading Fash.
“Aye you’re richt something’s drumled up the bottom of the loch in a big way.” Translate: drumle: make or be muddy or disturbed. “Yes you are correct something has stirred up the silt and mud from … Continue reading Drumle.