Orangutang on a boat alongside two men which is being towed by two large basking sharks. one of which has a child riding on its back submerged up to its neck in the water.
The Scottish Word:


I jist think were gonna get done fur cheatin.

First, oor towein sharks are clearly veesible, second we’re no rowin, an third, pets are forbidden tae tak pairt in the race.

Ahn tae tap it aw we’re contravenin health an safety wi lettin wee Archie ride the shark. In the scud inaw.

We’re nivir gonna win the oarsmins’ golden bottle- are we.


tap: top.

I just think were going to get done for cheating.

First, our towing sharks are clearly visible, second we’re not rowing, and third, pets are forbidden to participate in the race.

And to top it all we’re contravening health an safety with letting little Archibald ride the shark. Naked, no less.

We’re never going to win the oarsmens’ golden bottle – are we.

The Scottish Word: tap with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

One thought on “Tap.

  1. My grandmother used words that took us back to our roots. This included oxter among others. One we have not been able to figure out is her use of a word for the rear end. It sounded like Keborkia. I would love to know if this is another “outdated” word. It’s been driving me nuts for several decades.

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