Scottish Word: Wye.
“Stap yer dry boak, get yer heid oot o the backet an get it intae the buik tae see if sail gies wye tae steam or if steam gies wye tae sail.” Translate: wey, wye, wa: … Continue reading Wye.
“Stap yer dry boak, get yer heid oot o the backet an get it intae the buik tae see if sail gies wye tae steam or if steam gies wye tae sail.” Translate: wey, wye, wa: … Continue reading Wye.
“That’ll dae ma man, ahm noo convinced ma heulm is wicht.” Translate: wicht: strongly constructed, stout. “That will be enough my man, I am now convinced that my heulm is soundly constructed.” The Scottish Word: wicht … Continue reading Wicht.