Category Archives: Dog Walk.

Snow dog walk.

My dog loves the snow. If he sees it outside he starts agitating to be out to cavort in it. He likes Winter better than Summer.

Dog showing his backside to the camera while he surveys the snowy woods for prey.

Immune to Cold.

He’s immune to the cold. He’ll calmly stand in a freezing snowy puddle with blocks of ice floating around his ankles. Oblivious.

The snow and ice are now gone and we’re back to damp misty morning walks.

One of the woodland paths in January under low cloud.
One of the woodland paths in January under low cloud.

Continue reading Snow dog walk.

End of November Dog Walk.

You know it’s getting very cold when you begin to value having a doggy bag full of hot dog poo on you. Always pick up your dog’s poo.

Dog on the path in the woods.

Some cold autumn photographs from the place where I walk the dog. I’m lucky that all this is only a 15 minute walk from my house in the town. A lifesaver.

Walking the home made bike run.

On wet days I hike through the pine plantation where local kids build and maintain their mountain bike slalom. They’ve been doing that for generations Continue reading End of November Dog Walk.

Dog Walk – wet and dry grass.

Today on the morning dog walk it was wet. A relentless gentle drizzle (Scotch mist) made worse by the leaves of the trees aggregating it and turning it into plonking showers at each and every little breeze.

Water droplets on red grass seedheads.
Droplets on the grass seeds and stems because the rain was too gentle to dislodge them. The droplets only grew to run off and then regrow again.

Yesterday though, it was dry with the grass waving in the sunny breezes and the mumbling background sound of the commentary at the Forgandenny horse trials wafting across the valley.

It’s amazing that it takes less than twenty minutes to walk the dog from my city back door to a hill top like this where I can sprawl in the sun on the grass.

Lying in the long grass, waving in the breeze, in the sunshine.
The feet of me lazing in the sunshine in the long grass which was waving gently in the breeze, the hills in the distance and the sound of the commentary from the Forgandenny horse trials across the valley barely heard.

Continue reading Dog Walk – wet and dry grass.

Dog-walk Sketching: Stress.

It’s stressful sketching an old log with with my dog about. Debarking wood is one of his hobbies, which means he could make the log worthless as a sketch subject in moments, any second.

Dog leaping rotten birch log in the woods.
I’ve finished the sketch and he’s just leaping the log to get me to put his stick into action. The log remains in the wood with its bark intact.

Sketch stress of having the dog.

Potential doggy destruction of my subject is one stress point. A constant pitiful whining if he’s bored is another. And having to regularly pick up and throw his stick is only a mild stress point since I can lose my ‘place’, but in return it gives me reasonable intervals of peace. Digging on the other hand… Continue reading Dog-walk Sketching: Stress.