Category Archives: Drawing

It’s making visual observation to help me understand the world and myself and also to think and puzzle things out using sketches and doodles.

Illustration Development.

 Illegal Scottish Highland still drawn with biro pen.
Drawn with a black Bic Biro – the actual artwork is 11cm or 4½” tall. Quite small.

The common Bic Biro, next to the pencil, is one of my favourite drawing tools but if you leave your Bic drawing exposed to the daylight it’ll go brown and eventually fade entirely.

This would have been horrific to many of my students who used to treat all their makings as potential museum quality art. Every piece that flowed from their hand Continue reading Illustration Development.

Inktober 2019 Week Four.

Woohoo, final week completed. Still drawing using ink scientifically designed to flow through a metal tube measured in microns around a tungsten carbide ball almost as hard as diamond onto the Post-it note without leaking or clogging.

This scientific marvel is known as the Bic ballpoint pen.

Société Bic in France developed the ink and the ballpoint pen patent was licensed from László Bíró a Hungarian-Belgium inventor in Argentina and Bic began manufacture in the 1950s. My favourite pen for sketching since the 70s.

Inktober Prompt 23: Ancient.

Ancient Tortoise being attacked by ambulent lettuces with weapons.

Over the centuries ancient George never ceased to be mystified as to why the local ambulant lettuces hated vegetarians so much. Continue reading Inktober 2019 Week Four.

Inktober 2019 Week One.

Inktober 2019 week one.This year I’ve done inktober with coloured post-it notes, drawn with Bic biros, white ink gel pen and a coloured pencil or two. Constraints like that are a good aid for creativity. The Post-it notes are not very environmentally friendly but since I inherited them it’s better to use them than just bin them.

Inktober prompt 1: Ring.

Student in agony on the toilet pan in shared digs trying to abide by the post-curry toilet regulations.Ring on fire – colour version here for the illustrated Scottish word – rift. Curries this hot with this effect I can only remember from my students days. Continue reading Inktober 2019 Week One.

End of November Dog Walk.

You know it’s getting very cold when you begin to value having a doggy bag full of hot dog poo on you. Always pick up your dog’s poo.

Dog on the path in the woods.

Some cold autumn photographs from the place where I walk the dog. I’m lucky that all this is only a 15 minute walk from my house in the town. A lifesaver.

Walking the home made bike run.

On wet days I hike through the pine plantation where local kids build and maintain their mountain bike slalom. They’ve been doing that for generations Continue reading End of November Dog Walk.

Woohoo – Inktober Completed.

Inktober completed.

Woohoo Made it.

Woohoo. Made it. 31 #inktober inks and one yellow frog as a bonus in response to another twitterer (see previous post).

Juicy Lucy

Juicy Lucy the cat was quite forced. I’d just finished a Scottish Words illustration and it was getting near midnight and I was shattered. But I did it anyway with minutes to spare. The rule I’d made was that I would never be self judgemental and so I just had to get on with it – whether ended up good, poor or indifferent.

Cat about to be hit by multiple rotten tomatoes.
#inktober Juicy No. 23.

Continue reading Woohoo – Inktober Completed.