Week three. Each October a list, one for each day of 30 Scottish words, is published. Scotstober as an event is for fun, inviting anyone to have a go and publish the result on social media under the hashtag #Scotstober.
It can be a drawing, sculpture, poem, collage, blog entry, song, joke, story, comic, or whatever the day’s word inspires you to make. Do Scotstober every day of October or just the days that take your fancy. There are no rules.
Word 16: Howff.

Word 17: Lum.

Word 18: Tuim.

Word 19: Squint.

Word 20: Heilan.

Word 21: Sook.

Word 22: Heid.

Scotstober 2024.
Week one: 1 tyne, 2 dicht, 3 noo, 4 haar, 5 clype, 6 boak, 7 tap.
Week two: 8 lang, 9 haiver, 10 thole, 11 bile, 12 jouk, 13 cuddie, 14 gowster, 15 puddock.
Week three: 16 howff, 17 lum, 18 tuim, 19 squint, 20 heilan, 21 sook, 22 heid.
Week four: 23 gled, 24 coo, 25 ben, 26 knap, 27 toon, 28 poke, 29 forret, 30 smirr, 31 neep, tumshie, baigie.