Scottish Word: Chaw.
“Ahve bocht the dug a toy he kin chaw that’s indestructible, ah pit it oan the side table ben the hoose. It’ll last longer than the ithers for sure.” Translate: chaw, chaa chow: chew. “I’ve bought … Continue reading Chaw.
“Ahve bocht the dug a toy he kin chaw that’s indestructible, ah pit it oan the side table ben the hoose. It’ll last longer than the ithers for sure.” Translate: chaw, chaa chow: chew. “I’ve bought … Continue reading Chaw.
“Ah dinna ken if it’s richt tae caw them things baffies.” Translate: baffies: soft comfy slippers. “I am not at all sure if it is correct to call these things soft comfy relaxing slippers.” The Scottish … Continue reading Baffies.