Scottish Word: Kiggle.
“Aye, it’s a braver man than me kigglin aboot oot there.” Translate: kiggle: to wobble. “Yes Indeed, it is a braver man than me that is wobbling about out there.” The Scottish Word: kiggle with its … Continue reading Kiggle.
“Aye, it’s a braver man than me kigglin aboot oot there.” Translate: kiggle: to wobble. “Yes Indeed, it is a braver man than me that is wobbling about out there.” The Scottish Word: kiggle with its … Continue reading Kiggle.
“Nae need tae get in sic a stoochie Mister, it’s nithin but a pochle o apples” Translate: pochle: small amount taken without exactly having permission. “There is no need to get in such a state Mister, … Continue reading Pochle.