Scottish Word: Auld.
“I would advise caution if I wis you, yir budgie’s gey auld fur tae survive the procedure of gettin its temperature took wi a rectal thermometer.” Translate: auld: old. “I would advise caution if I was … Continue reading Auld.
“I would advise caution if I wis you, yir budgie’s gey auld fur tae survive the procedure of gettin its temperature took wi a rectal thermometer.” Translate: auld: old. “I would advise caution if I was … Continue reading Auld.
‘Will youz stap fouterin aboot and get that dugs temperature!’ Translate: fouter, footer: dither, not getting on with it, tip-toeing around the edges. ‘Will you two please cut out the dither and delay and get on … Continue reading Fouter.