Scottish Word: Mimp.
Dinni be fooled by its mimpin an primpin. Its heid’s aw teeth an its brain’s in it’s belly. It’s no a bonnie thing ataw an neither will we be if it gets a hud o us. … Continue reading Mimp.
Dinni be fooled by its mimpin an primpin. Its heid’s aw teeth an its brain’s in it’s belly. It’s no a bonnie thing ataw an neither will we be if it gets a hud o us. … Continue reading Mimp.
“Owya! Ye ramstougarous blue whipitie-stourie earth scum, I’ll swing for ye.” Translate: ramstougar, ramstouger, ramstougarous: disorderly, rough in manner, boisterous. “Yeeouch! You rough mannered light footed nimble blue person earth scum, I’ll willingly murder you and … Continue reading Ramstougarous.