Scottish Word: Bairnie.
Noo this is a bairnie shot an it’s a chip ontae the green no a drive. And Mak sure ye dinni hit the big yin in the ee, nor tak a divot oot o his luif … Continue reading Bairnie.
Noo this is a bairnie shot an it’s a chip ontae the green no a drive. And Mak sure ye dinni hit the big yin in the ee, nor tak a divot oot o his luif … Continue reading Bairnie.
“Is that what you caw a birdie then?” Translate: birdie: Golf: a score of one stroke under par at a hole. “Is that what you call a birdie then? bʌrdı Scotland the home of golf. The … Continue reading Birdie.
“Right ye oogly tan dug, drap the ba an get aff the links.” Translate: links: golf course; or a stretch (usually by the sea) of undulating open sandy ground commonly covered by bent-grass and gorse. Where … Continue reading Links.