Scottish Word: Cushie.
“I’ve heard o going cushie cushie cushie tae fetch in a calf or a dug but it’s the first I’ve heard o it callin a muckle golach.” Translate: cushie: call to a pet , a calf … Continue reading Cushie.
“I’ve heard o going cushie cushie cushie tae fetch in a calf or a dug but it’s the first I’ve heard o it callin a muckle golach.” Translate: cushie: call to a pet , a calf … Continue reading Cushie.
Hee haw Inaw – ah’m jist daein a job here all polite an all like. There’s nae need tae tak the mick. Goodby. Translate: hee haw inaw: sarcastic response indicating that something was anything but funny … Continue reading Hee haw inaw.