A witch in the foreground of a fiery exploding open prison who is casting human bones to the ground for divination purposes.
The Scottish Word:


“The Gods are telling yez two stories.
Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. Neibours o sorts.

Ahn by the depth o yer hypocrisie anent tae them twa tales is the depth o the level o the pits o Hell ye’ll be cast.

Fur the Godless it’s warse. Hell eternal is the spell o moral ken that comes as death becomes certain, jist before.

Whaur aw delusion faws awa ahn tae us lookin in it seems minutes or mebbe jist a day or twa.

Tae them it’s eternity.
Be telt!”
Agnes Nutter Spae-wife.


neibour, neebour, neebar, nychbar: neighbour.

“The Gods are telling you two stories.
Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine. Neighbours of sorts.

And by the depth of your hypocrisy in relation to those two tales is the depth of the level of the pits of Hell you’ll be cast.

For the Godless it’s worse. Hell eternal is the spell of moral clarity that comes as death becomes certain, just before.

Where all delusion falls away and to us looking in it seems minutes or may be just a day or two.

To them it is eternity.
Be Warned!”
Agnes Nutter Witch.

The Scottish Word: neibour with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

2 thoughts on “Neibour.

  1. Brilliant! So good to see this site still up and running and thank you for teaching me in my college days for the skills I still Use 🙂 hope your well Sir

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