A chatty fellow leaning over fence doesn't notice the body in the flowerbed as he chats to his neighbour digging a big hole.
The Scottish Word:


Jings! Yoor a gloamin gairdner too!

I gairden in the gloaming aw the time, but I nivir kent you did.

I dae it so the daylicht disni stimulate the exposed weed seeds intae sprootin during grund prep.

Yer delvin gey deep mind, ye’ll be doon amang the deeper wirms. They kin go doon metres. They’re called night crawlers ye ken.

I use lazy beds and the nae delvin method massel for ma vegetables. Ah dinni like tae disturb the wirms.

They’re the workers o the sile. Ye should read Darwin’s buik on wirms, its an easy read tae. And his last book.

He sez they wir the plooers o the land lang afore we cam along.

Mind you we’ll aw be feedin the wirms in due course so it’ll be weel tae keep oan their guid side har har.

Feed the moul no the plants that’s my motto. The wirms’ll dae the rest. Still, if you gairden…


Gloamin, Glomin, Gloaming: twilight, dusk.

Gosh! You are a twilight gardener too!

I garden in the twilight all the time, but I never knew that you did.

I do it so that the daylight doesn’t stimulate the weed seeds into germinating during the preparation of the ground.

You are digging rather deep don’t you think, you will be down amongst the deeper worms. They can go down metres. They are called night crawlers ye know.

I use lazy beds and the no dig method for my vegetable preparation. I do not like to disturb the worms.

They’re the workers of the soil. You should read Darwin’s book on worms, it is an easy read. And his last book.

He says that they were the ploughers of the land long before we came along.

Still, if you think on it, we will all be feeding the worms in due course so it would be well for us to stay on the right side of them, ha ha.

Feed the soil not the plants that’s my motto. The worms will do the rest. Still if you garden…

The Scottish Word: gloamin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Darwin and worms

His last book Vegetable Mould (humus or compost) and Earthworms It is written in a clear, informal style and is indeed an easy read.

Darwin was impressed by the intelligence of worms, considering what they are. And he says “It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organised creatures.”

So damn all these buggers who cover over their front gardens with concrete for their car thinking they make the planet a tidier place.

One handful of soil can easily contain as many living organisms as the number of humans living on the planet.

And that’s not counting the bigger things living in the soil such as nematodes, springtails, beetles, worms etc.

In a best case scenario there can be five tonnes of life in one hectare of soil. In, not on.

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