Two men contemplating the waves lapping at the edge of a massive sea wall of which the tops of the tallest buildings in the town peep up behind them. Including a silver X rocket and plumes of smoke from the abandoned buildings.
The Scottish Word:


Nivir mind Musk old man, yer billions have saved this toun, it’s a legacy o sorts.

A shame we et the last o the last inhabitant last night.

An used the last o the rocket fuel tae fire the oven too. Ach weel.


toon, toun: town.

Never mind Musk old man, your billions have saved this town, it is a legacy of sorts.

A shame we ate the last of the last inhabitant last night.

And used the last of the rocket fuel to fire the oven too. Oh dear.

The Scottish Word: toon with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Ice Locked Harbours In Our Future?

With the AMOC becoming increasingly unstable and catastrophe probably at any time I wondered if I should have added icebergs because that looks like that may be what the future is for us in N. Europe. Hey Ho. At least there’s no safe place for billionaires either.


The AMOC (Atlantic meridional overturning circulation) is the current that circulates temperatures held in water in a cycle between the South and North of the globe. It’s visibly becoming unstable because increased rainfall and melting sea ice is affecting the salinity of the oceans.

One likely result of any failure of the AMOC is that the North will become much colder and the South hotter creating even more violent and unstable weather around the globe. Wickipedia 1 November 2024

(This is a Scotstober 2024 Word.)

All of the Scotstober words illustrated for week four are available to scroll through on a single page here.

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