Pangolin on the beach lecturing a dog on moral rectitude.
The Scottish Word:


First they cam fur the Wild Auroch.
Ahn ye said nithin.
Then they cam fur the Woodland Bison.
Ahn ye said nithin.
Then they saw aff the multiple millions o Passenger Pigeon.
The Bastard Gum’s gone, the St Helena Ebony Tree, the Lago Yojoa Palm.
Ahn still ye said nithin.
They came for the Japanese River Otter.
Ahn ye said nithin.
Then they cam fur the Northern White Rhino.
Ahn ye said nithin.
They even got the Indefatigable Galapagos Mouse efter they finished aff Darwin’s Rice Rat.
Noo they’re coming fur the Elephants, Polar Bears, me the last Pangolin ahn hunners o ithir craiters, some o wha we dinni even ken exist yet.
Ahn you’re still sayin nithin.
They’re aw mad.
Ye ken dae ye no, that they will eat you jist afore they start eating each ithir.


nithin: Nothing.

First they came for the Wild Auroch.
And you said nothing.
Then they came for the Woodland Bison.
And you said nothing.
Then they saw off the multiple millions of Passenger Pigeon.
The Bastard Gum’s gone, the St Helena Ebony Tree, the Lago Yojoa Palm.
And still you said nothing.
They came for the Japanese River Otter.
And you said nothing.
Then they came for the Northern White Rhino.
And you said nothing.
They even got the Indefatigable Galapagos Mouse after they finished off Darwin’s Rice Rat.
Now they’re coming for the Elephants, Polar Bears and me the last Pangolin and hundreds of other creatures, some of which we don’t even know exist yet.
And you’re still saying nothing.
They’re all mad.
You do know do you not, that they will eat you just before they start eating each other.

The Scottish Word: nithin with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

This is a link to Wikipedia’s list of extinct animals by region. There you can also find links to extinction lists of plants.

The vast majority of extinctions, though, are thought to be undocumented.

Estimates show that the extinction rate now is running a very large amount above normal background levels. Some, with good evidence, claim we are in the middle of a mass extinction event.

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