Fearsome giant haggis approaches hunting protesters at the edge of its forest.
The Scottish Word:


Stage yin an Stage twa are the tasty yins.

Stage fower Haggisses are the dangerous yins but are certainly aw lang deid by noo.

There has only ivir been yin sichtin in recent times.

An that was by Rabbie Burns Hissel.

Sadly, the poem he scrieved aboot it wiz so skeerie and mind boggling it’s locked up in Edinburgh Castle.

It is possible tae access it an read it.

But only on Burns Nicht. And only wi Royal Permission.

And ye’ll only get that wi a signed paper certie o sanity.


fower, foir: the numeral four (4).

Stage one and stage two are the tasty one’s.

Stage four Haggises are the dangerous ones but are certainly extinct by now.

There has only ever been one sighting in recent times.

And that was by Robert Burns himself.

Sadly, the poem he wrote about it is deemed so scary and mind boggling that it’s locked up in Edinburgh Castle.

It is possible to access it and read it.

But only on Burns night. And only with Royal Permission.

And you’ll only get that if you have a signed certificate of sanity.

The Scottish Word: fower with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

The Idea.

The idea of a Haggises having stages of development ever more dangerous was prompted from Neal Asher’s creatures on the world of Cull in his book Brass Man.

He creates the most monstrous of worlds.

A Stage one Haggis.

If you are interested. There is a recipe and a stage one haggis shown here. A stage one is indeed much more vulnerable.

They are tasty though. I can heartily recommend haggis as a dish.


I’m against hunting for sport. If you kill it, prepare it, cook it and eat it all. You might have a case.

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