Scottish Word: Lipper.
What wi the ice shelfs breakin mair n mair an meltin skelpin awa garin the sea tae grow mair n mair tae lipper gey near the limit o oor fleet dykes alang wi mair n mair … Continue reading Lipper.
What wi the ice shelfs breakin mair n mair an meltin skelpin awa garin the sea tae grow mair n mair tae lipper gey near the limit o oor fleet dykes alang wi mair n mair … Continue reading Lipper.
“Hereaboots a loonie means wee boy! No a nutter ye dowf gallumph ye.” Translate: hereaboot: in this area, around here. “Around here a loonie means a small boy! Not an insane person you complete moron.” The … Continue reading Hereaboot.