brotherly love on camping trip.
The Scottish Word:


“If you proadge at me again – yer gettin a lampin.”


proadge: make poking or prodding movements with a long instrument.

“If you prod with that long instrument at me again you are getting a beating.”

[proadge spelled out in the phonetic alphabet.]

Illustration Friday. Cocoon.

I was intending to go walking today with my two sons but the forecast is relentless rain. They are still in bed. Teenagers. Huh.

There’s nothing wrong with hill walking in Scotland in the rain. It’s the rain that make the hills magnificently green, blue and purple.

Without the rain and our relative cold the fantastic silver and golden beaches we have in the West would be buried under hotels and ugly residences built by the unnecessarily wealthy.

Visit the West Coast on the rare right day and it will beat the Mediterranean.

Anyway it’s not the rain that put us off, it’s just that walking is not so enjoyable with cold wet feet. I need to get my boys better footwear.

I’m OK. I have well built water resistant boots that are older than my oldest son.

As sketched in foreground of the illustration. Except brown, the leather so old and solid it’s like wood – very comfortable though.

The Scottish Word: proadge with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

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