Dinosaurs taking a pet human for a walk.
The Scottish Word:


“They mak great wee pets an it loves wearin claes which is great cos if it poops in the hoose the keech’s trappit in its breeks.”


keech; keich; kich: excrement, dirt of any kind.

“They make great little pets and it loves wearing clothes which is great because if it defecates in the house the excrement is trapped in its trousers.”

[keech spelled out in the phonetic alphabet.]
The Scottish Word: keech with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

7 thoughts on “Keech.

    1. Aye, but pronounce it properly. There is no combination of letters in English that makes the proper sound. Think of how a Scotsman pronounces loch (not lock, like many English speakers, especially yanks, say). So the first sounds is like in “key” and the second as in the ch in loch. There are variations on spelling—my family writes “keigh.”

  1. Ah wiz up tae ma oxters in keich…

    Literal translation:
    I was up to my armpits in poo, equivalent to “I was up to my neck in it”

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