Victorian gent with a highwayman's pistol pressed against his nose parting with white five pound notes.
The Scottish Word:


Sic a wealthy gowk as yersel I widni let pass while ye heedlessly siller-blind remain.

Nor blythely wid I greet the faithless man wha siller-dodges aw the while.

So I tak this pike o snaw white-siller, in five poond notes, tae fix yer mind tae the blessins ye maun have.

As Euripides telt us: “Aye in the warst o chance braw lies the flichter o a canty cheenge.”

So tak this reivin as my Christmas gift tae ye. Bless.


gowk: fool

Such a wealthy fool as yourself I would not let pass while you remain heedlessly unaware of your riches and good fortune.

Nor will I be indifferent when I meet the inconstant man who shirks his tax to the common good.

So I take my pick of snow white money, in five pound notes, to fix your mind on the blessings that you of necessity must or at least might now be aware.

As Euripides tells us: “There is in the worst of fortune the best chance for a happy change”.

So take this robbery as my Christmas gift to you. Bless.

The Scottish Word: gowk with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Bank of England 1887 £5 banknote
An English five pound note circa 1887 yellow with age because it was in a Scotsman’s purse. The notes were large, 8¼” by 5¼” or 211mm by 133mm.

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