Retired explorer giving a Kakapo, Pangolin and a Large Spotted Civit a lift on a Brompton.
The Scottish Word:


They’re endangered eneuch as it is wi-oot haein tae thole a hallach bike ride like thon.

Mind tho – It’s guid tae see the auld explorer daein the richt thing an makin sure they’ve their safety helmets oan.


eneuch, eneugh: enough.

They’re endangered enough as it is without having to endure a hare brained bicycle ride like that.

In consideration though – it is jolly good of the old explorer to make sure they have their safety helmets on.

The Scottish Word: eneuch with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Endangered Species.

I was spoiled for choice since we are damaging the entire planet and we are now ourselves on that list. But self infliction does not count.

The three I picked were: The Pangolin because my students, for amusement, were all picking spirit animals and asked me for mine. The Kakapo because of David Attenborough. And the Civit because I knew about the perfume trade and my dog behaves like one.


Regardless of the Pangolin’s geographical range, these timid animals edge closer towards extinction with each passing day. They are amongst the most highly-trafficked species in the world, due to the futile demand for their meat and keratin-rich scales by the profit making wealthy.


There are only about 140 Kakapos left in the wild due to predation of invasive species such as cats and stoats that were introduced for hunting purposes. These predators have also targeted unattended eggs when the mothers go foraging for food. This seriously impedes population growth and recovery.

Large Spotted Civit.

The large-spotted civet is threatened due to habitat degradation, habitat loss and hunting with snares and dogs. The population is thought to have been steadily declining throughout its range countries. In Asian markets it is in demand as food. They are also exploited to process coffee beans through their gut as a delicacy for the wealthy and for the secretions from their tail gland as an ingredient in costly perfumes.


I would have used insects because their general population has plunged drastically worldwide over the recent decade or two.

But they would have been too small to notice in the drawing. Much like most of us not noticing their disappearance from our immediate surroundings.

Shifting Baseline Syndrome.

Explore this link to earth dot org about shifting baseline syndrome: which is where we have a gradual change in our acceptance of our local natural environment due to a lack of experience, memory and/or knowledge of its past condition.

In this sense, what we consider to be a healthy environment now, our past generations would consider it to be degraded.

Also this Denmark study: “Parallel declines in abundance of insects and insectivorous birds in Denmark over 22 years” confirms the facts. And includes a simple measure we can relate to – if you’re observant and old enough – is the marked decline of insect splatter evidenced on our car windscreens.

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