Self drive bin emptying refuse robot lorry doing its work.
The Scottish Word:


I mind when we had scaffie drivers, an scaffie bin-men wi a craik a wave an a smile, aye and women too, an no takin photies o the streets iviry week either.


scaffie: refuse collector.

I remember when we had refuse collection lorry-drivers and refuse bin-men, always with good conversation a wave and a smile, yes and women too, and they didn’t take photographs of the streets every week either.

The Scottish Word: scaffie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

One thought on “Scaffie.

  1. I hope you are alive and well . I have had a multitude o jobs first and best i was a printer printed The Southern Reporter In the Scottish Borders
    Last and even better than the first I am a scaffie . Now I can growl at impunity

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