Comic page on the capers of the phantom cowpat slinger in the Highlands.
The Scottish Word:


The Coo pat slinger.
[Night! And oor hero and Malkie Fu expert is oot and aboot … hunting the phantom coopat slinger. Accompanied by his trusty companion – THE DOCTOR.]

The doctor:
“Aye weel, it’s a cauld nicht the nicht boss.”

[The mist rolls in.]
The doctor:
“Who’s there?”

The boss:
“Ach weel, if we canni see him – he canni see us! We’ll hae tae gie up for the nicht doctor … doc?… …doc? ……Doctor!?”
The doctor:
The boss:
“Oh no he’s been coopatted! The gomerel.”
“He got you?”
The doctor:
“No he did not. I’m afraid I slipped and fell. Awfie sorry.”
The boss:
“Come on! Get up! We’re goin hame noo ye stammery gowk.”
“15 years I’ve hunted the phantom slinger and never once has he shown himsel while I’ve been on the hill. I am his DOOM, his DEFEAT, I am his SUPERIOR!”
“He disni staun a chance agin me… it’s only a maiter o time…….”
whish SPLAT!
the doctor:

[The phantom had won. And was never seen again. The Moral? –Tread carefully in the countryside.
The End.]
View a larger version of the phantom coopat slinger comic here.


stammer, stammar, stamer, staumer: stumble, falter, blunder about, clumsy.

Rather than unnecessarily translate the whole transcript; coopat: cowpat, oot and aboot: out and about, malkie: do harm, malkie fu: martial art, cauld: cold, gomerel: idiot, stammery: uncertain footed, gowk: clown, nicht: night, awfie: awfully, hame: home, staun: stand, maiter: matter.

The Scottish Word: stammer with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Scottish Comic Book Day.

I’ve resurrected this comic because at the end of this week it will be Scottish Comic Book Day.

This idea was launched by Colin Maxwell a Dumfermline based artist and writer for Commando. The day will be celebrated on the last Saturday of November each year.

As he quite rightly says Scottish creators made and do make a significant contribution to the comic industry at home and abroad.

Glasgow Garden Festival.

This is a page from the free comic I wrote and illustrated in 1988 for the Countryside Commission for Scotland to be given out free at the Glasgow Garden Festival.

I’ve colourised what was originally just a two colour comic and increased the amount of Scots I had already in the word balloons.

The story was inspired by the Phantom Raspberry blower of old London Town written by Ronnie Barker, as a serial sketch, that ran in the two Ronnies. Popular at the time.

Hidden on every page of the comic is a man with a fish on his head (top right panel in this story) which the readers could try to find. This was because we had a statue of that very thing by the environmental artist Stan Bonnar in front of our pavilion at the Festival.

Great times.
statue of man with fish on head by Stan Bonnar.

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