Enochian Alphabet.
The Enochian Alphabet features in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel Making Money.
It is used for the common ancient language of the Golems and is shown as text in the book by replacing the English characters with the equivalent Enochian characters.
It is a straightforward letter by letter replacement. The words still follow UK english spelling.
The chain smoking Miss Dearheart, chairwoman of the Golem Trust, can speak the ancient Golem language fluently and makes it sound sexy.
There is no y or w but some versions create one by adding a dot to the top right of Gon, number nine.
The actual alphabet was apparently created in the 16th Century possibly by John Dee.
A Web search for Enochian Alphabet will turn up various sources of information.
It will also turn up Enochian Typefaces you can install on your computer such as this version of an Enochian Golem alphabet font.
Wingdinglish is creating an "alien language" with English represented by unfamiliar images for the letters instead of the Latin alphabet. Some examples from comic books, video games, sci-fi movies and TV.
Some of my illustrations inspired by Terry Pratchett books. • Igor in two • Pratchett and Asimov • Two Witches • Troll in the Watch • Death.