“Ach! Yir still spirlie and ill-thriven, whit’s adae wi ye? I’ve hud enough! Ah’m no waitin onie longer.” Translate: spirlie: thin, spindly. “Argh! You are still skinny and scraggy, what is wrong with you? I have … Continue reading Spirlie. →
baking, bone, boy, butcher, cage, children, cleaver, cook, crutch, fire, gingerbread, girl, gretel, hansel, house, monster, murder, oven, pot, pumpkin, witch Scottish Word: Douce.

” . . . an Boss can ah also say that yiv nivir looked sae douce ava an . . .” Translate: douce: neat, tidy, loveable, respectable. “. . . and Boss can I also say that you have … Continue reading Douce. →