Scottish Word: Hinnie.
She’s gonna be in a richt radge at her hinnie piece gettin weet and her tea bein diluted in the coming rain. She’s awready got the sair heid an wi that storm breeshlin in awfi fast … Continue reading Hinnie.
She’s gonna be in a richt radge at her hinnie piece gettin weet and her tea bein diluted in the coming rain. She’s awready got the sair heid an wi that storm breeshlin in awfi fast … Continue reading Hinnie.
Ya fat geenyoch bear that ye are. You think yiv slaved the bees tae keep ye in hinnie forivver. But yer doitert ahn bein tricked. They’re murtherin you ya muckle fat fozie by feeding ye a … Continue reading Foziness.
“Tak heed son. It’s time ye lernt tae tak a widden spune tae eat yir hinnie in wice o yer whole sel.” Translate: spune, speen, spon: spoon. “Take heed son, be wise. It is time you … Continue reading Spune.
“Whaur’s the scuddler?” Translate: scuddler: maid of all work, skivvy. “Where is the skivvy, do you know?” Here is the nursery rhyme for those that don’t know it… Sing a song of sixpence. Sing a song … Continue reading Scuddler.