Scottish Word: Redd.
“Get this moger redd up or yir both fur a lampin.” Translate: redd: clear up. “Get this mess cleared up or you will both be under threat of a beating.” The Scottish Word: redd with its … Continue reading Redd.
“Get this moger redd up or yir both fur a lampin.” Translate: redd: clear up. “Get this mess cleared up or you will both be under threat of a beating.” The Scottish Word: redd with its … Continue reading Redd.
“…an it swelled up awfy, still it’s a right shooglie tram richt enough but Dalmuir to Uddingston an back taks ma sour dook tae jist the right consistency an speakin o sour dook is that no … Continue reading Shoogle.
“Jings, her wisker wis fair fu the-day. She jist missed us” Translate: wisker: belt with padded section full of holes to hold knitting needles; a bunch of straw folded over neatly, bound tightly and tucked in … Continue reading Wisker.
“Aye . . .” Translate: Aye . . . : I knew you should have listened to me. The Scottish Word: aye [No 4] with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Aye No.4.
“Guidness! That wis a sair dunt yiv gie yirsel son” Translate: sair dunt: serious blow; My goodness! That was a rather serious blow to the skull you’ve given yourself dear boy. The Scottish Word: dunt with … Continue reading Dunt.