Here’s hoo its goin tae go doon. As ye weel ken – us cats rule the multiverses – as it’s aye been – and it’ll go very bad for your species if ye deal oot onie joukerie-pawkery like the mell-heid I suspect ye are. Here’s the deal.
You can hae the kippage o the mining rig ahn the hail rig itsel.
But me and my human are aff in the shuttle. Onie swickery an yer deid.
No way dae you board wi us. – Awricht! – Noo slidder aff!
kippage: disorder, confusion, fuss and also (pre 1700) meant passengers and crew aboard a ship.
Here’s how its going to go down. As you know very well – we cats rule the multiverses – as it’s always been – and it’ll go very bad for your species if you get up to any treachery like the block-head I suspect you are. Here’s the deal.
You can have the crew of this mining rig and the rig itself.
But me and my human get away in the shuttle. Any cheating and you’re dead.
No way do you come with us. – OK! – Now slither off!
The Scottish Word: kippage with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.