Goldilocks is warning a fat bear about the dastardly plot the bees are deploying on him.
The Scottish Word:


Ya fat geenyoch bear that ye are.

You think yiv slaved the bees tae keep ye in hinnie forivver.

But yer doitert ahn bein tricked.

They’re murtherin you ya muckle fat fozie by feeding ye a lot of hinnie now so’s to save even more later.

When ye drap deid o fat fozieness.


foziness: sponginess, flabbiness, stupidity.

You fat greedy bear that you are.

You think you’ve enslaved the bees to keep you in honey forever.

But you are witless and are being tricked.

They are murdering you, you big fat soft sponge you, by feeding you lots of their honey now so that they can save even more later.

When you drop dead of fat flabbiness and stupidity.

The Scottish Word: foziness with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

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