Scottish Word: Dunkle.
Jings Edie that’s a richt sair dunkle yiv gi’en yersel. Dinni worry we’ll ding it oot ahn ye’ll be as good as new in no time. Translate: dunkle: a dent or slight depression caused by colliding … Continue reading Dunkle.
Jings Edie that’s a richt sair dunkle yiv gi’en yersel. Dinni worry we’ll ding it oot ahn ye’ll be as good as new in no time. Translate: dunkle: a dent or slight depression caused by colliding … Continue reading Dunkle.
Dae ye ivir think us humans will ever come guid in the future wi death by dinosaur roond ivvery corner in this present age? Translate: ivir, ivver: ever. Do you ever think us humans will ever … Continue reading Iver, Ivver.
The clachan yill had made me canty, I was na fou, but just had plenty: I stacher’d whyles, but yet took tent ay To free the ditches; An’ hillocks, stanes, an’ bushes, kend ay Frae ghaists … Continue reading Fou.
Hoi! Yer ivver an on chitterin’s getting on my nerves. Cut it oot or ye’ll see me going brainwode. Pull yer hood up an coorie doon intae my insulated duffel bag an warm yersel up. Otherwise … Continue reading Chitter.
Corbie’s lauchin fou at us ma trusty tree. Who’d huv believed him that Santa wis jist in a month long deep sleep cos o his hard nights work – no deid ataw. He warned us no … Continue reading Lauch.
He couldni be in better hauns than wee Hoolet Erchie there to be cairried forrit into the New Year. He’s nivir drapped a soul yet twixt one year an the next. Mind his pipe leaves an … Continue reading Cairry
Aye weel lads it’s a slaigerin sort o a landscape wi hae noo. So it’s snaw runners aff an anti skite aw terrain glaur proof tyres oan. We’re livin in a new warld. Translate: slaiger: besmear … Continue reading Slaiger.
Boss, boss, gie it up. Ye’ll no get a hot Murray’s Pie the day. It’s been teemin doon aw day ahn aw day yesterday. Will ye look at the state o Sooth Street here. I dinni … Continue reading Teem.
I’m seek o this regular weekly ritual o ‘pat the lawn o the dragon for tae sleep in peace’ that we’ve done fur longer than we mind o. Noo that I’ve been promoted tae heid o … Continue reading Seek.
Hoi! Ah’m hopin yer helmet’s no as brucklie as yer napper. Yer radio’s no workin. Ye need ye tae get back on board wi me. Translate: brucklie, briklie: in a brittle state or manner. Hey! I’m … Continue reading Brucklie.