Scottish Word: Wirm.
“Save yersel son. Let yir brakwast wirm go.” Translate: wirm, wurm: worm. “Save yourself son. Let your breakfast worm go.” subterranean drama. If you were in a hot air balloon looking down on a rainforest it … Continue reading Wirm. →
Bide back ahv goat a gun ahn am no afeard tae yuise it. Yin step mair ahn I malafooster yer egg. Wirms o the warld unite! We rule. Ahm Muskie the wirm o wirms. Ye’ll newser … Continue reading Malafooster. →
I mind when this wiz packed fu o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle. →
Jings! Yoor a gloamin gairdner too! I gairden in the gloaming aw the time, but I nivir kent you did. I dae it so the daylicht disni stimulate the exposed weed seeds intae sprootin during grund … Continue reading Gloaming. →
Scottish Word: Craw.
“Us rooks is maistly vegetarian apart frae the odd wirm or twa – unlike craws. An whut’s mair we huv the shaggy breeks.” Translate: craw: crow, corvus c. corone. “We rooks are mostly vegetarian apart from … Continue reading Craw. →