Scottish Word: Backarties.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
Tak it frae me Donner, we may be graith the noo but we maunbe douchtless suin eneuch. Jist like whit happened tae aw the elves when he replaced them wi thon flittin clever-deid new fangled whigmaleerie … Continue reading Graith.
Hoi MacMillan, Yer whidderin doon the brae at a fair lick. Ye could whidder aboot the glens the rest o the year inaw if ye fitted a wee wheelie tae the front o yir whigmaleerie instead … Continue reading Whidder.