Scottish Word: Podger.
“In the name o the wee man turn that effin whale sang aff. He thinks he’s getting his podger!” Translate: podger: sexual intercourse. “In the name of heaven turn that effin whale song off. He thinks … Continue reading Podger.
“In the name o the wee man turn that effin whale sang aff. He thinks he’s getting his podger!” Translate: podger: sexual intercourse. “In the name of heaven turn that effin whale song off. He thinks … Continue reading Podger.
‘In the name o the wee man! You’re an awfy snotter-box the-day of aw days.’ Translate: snotter-box: full of mucus. ‘Heavens! You are a terrible source of mucus today of all days.’ Say Pants to Poverty … Continue reading Snotter-box.